We're looking at renaming the BeamRecord class
<https://github.com/apache/beam/pull/4550>, that was used for columnar
data. There was sufficient discussion on the naming, that I want to make
sure the dev list is aware of naming plans here.

BeamRecord is a columnar, field-based record. Currently it's used by
BeamSQL, and the plan is to use it for schemas as well. "Record" is a
confusing name for this class, as all elements in the Beam model are
referred to as "records," whether or not they have schemas. "Row" is a much
clearer name.

There was a lot of discussion whether to name this BeamRow or just plain
Row (in the org.apache.beam.values namespace). The argument in favor of
BeamRow was so that people aren't forced to qualify their type names in the
case of a conflict with a Row from another package. The argument in favor
of Row was that it's a better name, it's in the Beam namespace anyway, and
it's what the rest of the world (Cassandra, Hive, Spark, etc.) calls
similar classes.

RIght not consensus on the PR is leaning to Row. If you feel strongly,
please speak up :)


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