Answered inlined but I want to highlight beam is a portable API on top of
well known vendors API which have friendly shortcuts. So the background
here is to make beam at least user friendly.

Im fine if the outcome of the discussion is coder concept is wrong or
something like that but Im not fine to say we dont want to solve an API
issue, to not say bug, of a project which has an API as added value.

I understand the perf concern which must be balanced with the fact
derialization is not used for each step/transform and that currently the
coder API is already intrusive and heavy for dev but also not usable by
most existing codecs out there. Even some jaxb or plain xml flavors dont
work with it :(.

Le 5 févr. 2018 18:46, "Robert Bradshaw" <> a écrit :

On Sun, Feb 4, 2018 at 6:44 AM, Romain Manni-Bucau
<> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I submitted a PR on coders to enhance 1. the user experience 2. the
> determinism and handling of coders.
> 1. the user experience is linked to what i sent some days ago: close
> handling of the streams from a coder code. Long story short I add a
> SkipCloseCoder which can decorate a coder and just wraps the stream (input
> or output) in flavors skipping close() calls. This avoids to do it by
> default (which had my preference if you read the related thread but not
> one of everybody) but also makes the usage of a coder with this issue easy
> since the of() of the coder just wraps itself in this delagating coder.
> 2. this one is more nasty and mainly concerns IterableLikeCoders. These
> use this kind of algorithm (keep in mind they work on a list):
> writeSize()
> for all element e {
>     elementCoder.write(e)
> }
> writeMagicNumber() // this one depends the size
> The decoding is symmetric so I bypass it here.
> Indeed all these writes (reads) are done on the same stream. Therefore it
> assumes you read as much bytes than you write...which is a huge assumption
> for a coder which should by contract assume it can read the a
> stream (until -1).
> The idea of the fix is to change this encoding to this kind of algorithm:
> writeSize()
> for all element e {
>     writeElementByteCount(e)
>     elementCoder.write(e)
> }
> writeMagicNumber() // still optionally

Regardless of the backwards incompatibility issues, I'm unconvinced
that prefixing every element with its length is a good idea. It can
lead to blow-up in size (e.g. a list of ints, and it should be noted
that containers with lots of elements bias towards having small
elements) and also writeElementByteCount(e) could be very inefficient
for many type e (e.g. a list of lists).

What is your proposal Robert then? Current restriction is clearly a blocker
for portability, users, determinism and is unsafe and only checkable at
runtime so not something we should lead to keep.

Alternative i thought about was to forbid implicit coders but it doesnt
help users.

> This way on the decode size you can wrap the stream by element to enforce
> the limitation of the byte count.
> Side note: this indeed enforce a limitation due to java byte limitation
> if you check coder code it is already here at the higher level so it is
> a big deal for now.
> In terms of implementation it uses a LengthAwareCoder which delegates to
> another coder the encoding and just adds the byte count before the actual
> serialization. Not perfect but should be more than enough in terms of
> support and perf for beam if you think real pipelines (we try to avoid
> serializations or it is done on some well known points where this algo
> should be enough...worse case it is not a huge overhead, mainly just some
> memory overhead).
> The PR is available at If you
> check you will see I put it "WIP". The main reason is that it changes the
> encoding format for containers (lists, iterable, ...) and therefore breaks
> python/go/... tests and the standard_coders.yml definition. Some help on
> that would be very welcomed.
> Technical side note if you wonder: UnownedInputStream doesn't even allow
> mark the stream so there is no real fast way to read the stream as fast as
> possible with standard buffering strategies and to support this automatic
> IterableCoder wrapping which is implicit. In other words, if beam wants to
> support any coder, including the ones not requiring to write the size of
> output - most of the codecs - then we need to change the way it works to
> something like that which does it for the user which doesn't know its
> got wrapped.
> Hope it makes sense, if not, don't hesitate to ask questions.
> Happy end of week-end.
> Romain Manni-Bucau
> @rmannibucau |  Blog | Old Blog | Github | LinkedIn | Book

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