
Most of you already know about upgrades on Jenkins machines this week. I
still want to share some details you might interested in.

In April 24th, we had 16 new GCE instances (beam9 - 24) setup under gcloud
project 'apache-beam-testing' for Beam Jenkins. The old machines are
currently disconnected and they will be removed in next week. Major updates
are as follows:

-- Upgraded machine type from n1-standard-4 (4 vCPUs, 15GB RAM) to
n1-highmem-16 (16 vCPUs, 104GB Ram);
-- Upgraded OS from Ubuntu 14.04 to 16.04;
-- Increased quantity of instances to 16;
-- Installed the latest version of packages and underlying tools;

The overall build duration are dropping and the stability is improved since
the new powerful machines.  In addition, python tests are no longer limited
to some specific nodes. It significantly reduce the waiting time in job
queue. For example, before swapping, the average waiting time of 10 latest
Python PreCommits was 22.2 minutes, and now it drops to 10 seconds!

Special thanks to Alan Myrvold and Jason Kuster for helping on the smooth
swapping process.

Yifan Zou

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