The Dataflow worker relies on this dependency to be supplied as part of the
users application. Are you sure the way you build/package your application
hasn't changed in the past few days?

Note that the DataflowRunner has specified
"google-api-services-clouddebugger" as a dependency[1]. The other issue
could be that a dependency of CloudDebugger is incompatible. There is a
known issue where "google-api-client" 1.22.0 is incompatible with 1.23.0
and hence all Google libraries that depend on "google-api-client" should
use a set of dependencies that are consistent with using a single version
of "google-api-client" (The DataflowRunner in Apache Beam uses 1.22.0).


On Wed, May 16, 2018 at 3:53 AM Frank Yellin <> wrote:

> Something just starting breaking on me in the last day or so.  I have the
> trivial program:
> public static void main(String[] args) {
>   PipelineOptions options =
>       PipelineOptionsFactory.fromArgs(args).create();
>   Pipeline pipeline = Pipeline.create(options);
> }
> If I call it with no arguments, it quietly does nothing, as expected.  If
> I pass the argument
>     --runner=dataflowRunner
> I get the error message
> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
> com/google/api/services/clouddebugger/v2/CloudDebugger
> I can't find any reference to v2/CloudDebugger and I do not know who is
> including it or calling it.  Has something changed in the last few days on
> GCE?
> Help!

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