Hey folks,

I am new to gradle, but Boyuan and I had a chat on the slack beam late last
night (CEST) on this.

Here are my notes I've collected from my build attempts but I haven't yet
isolated the problem:

  - seemingly only happens with -PisRelease
  - need --info and --stacktrace or else you miss detail
  - it is sporadic and happens on different projects
  - gradle caches come in to play (subsequent build might pass the stage)
    - race condition?
    - I remove ~/.graddle each time
  - I suspected jar signing - but I have commented that out and the issue
  - zip exceptions I have seen include:
     -  archive is not a ZIP archive
     - invalid block type
     - too many length or distance symbols
  - It is using the zip reader org.apache.tools.zip.ZipFile (from Ant I

I hope this helps,

On Thu, May 17, 2018 at 3:15 PM, Etienne Chauchot <echauc...@apache.org>

> Hey,
> Thanks for pointing out ! I'll take a look. Very strange ZipException
> Etienne
> Le mercredi 16 mai 2018 à 11:50 -0700, Boyuan Zhang a écrit :
> Hey all,
> I'm working on debugging the process of release process and when running
> ./gradlew -PisRelease clean build, I got several tests failed. Here is one
> build scan: https://scans.gradle.com/s/t4ryx7y3jhdeo/console-log?
> task=:beam-sdks-java-io-elasticsearch-tests-5:test#L3. Any idea about why
> this happened?
> Thanks for all your help!
> Boyuan

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