Hi all, Based on pull/5481 <https://github.com/apache/beam/pull/5481>, I manually did a coverage test with TPC-ds queries (65%) and TPC-h queries (100%) and want to see what features Beam SQL is currently not supporting. Test was running on DirectRunner.
I want to share the result. TPC-DS queries on Beam <https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12iO0vnPWJC-SFp1dBXd_iClf2ERjewl6IRAC2Z0AzdY/edit?usp=drive_web> TL;DR: 1. aggregation function (stddev) missing or calculation of aggregation functions combination. 2. nested beamjoinrel(condition=[true], joinType=[inner]) / cross join error 3. date type casting/ calculation and other types casting. 4. LIKE operator in String / alias for substring function 5. order by w/o limit clause. 6. OR operator is supported in join condition 7. Syntax: exist/ not exist (errors) . rank() over (partition by) / view (unsupported) Best, Kai ᐧ