
We are using Apache Beam in our project for some time now. Since our
datasets are of modest size, we have so far used DirectRunner as the
computation easily fits onto a single machine. Recently we upgraded Beam
from 2.2 to 2.4 and found out that performance of our pipelines drastically
deteriorated. Pipelines that took ~3 minutes with 2.2 do not finish within
hours now. We tried to isolate the change that causes the slowdown and came
to the commits into the "InMemoryStateInternals" class:

* https://github.com/apache/beam/commit/32a427c
* https://github.com/apache/beam/commit/8151d82

In a nutshell where previously the copy() method simply assigned:

  that.value = this.value

There is now coder encode/decode combo hidden behind:

  that.value = uncheckedClone(coder, this.value)

Can somebody explain the purpose of this change? Is it meant as an
additional "enforcement" point, similar to DirectRunner's
enforceImmutability and enforceEncodability? Or is it something that is
genuinely needed to provide correct behaviour of the pipeline?

Any hints or thoughts are appreciated.


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