Hi guys,

I think it's the purpose of SDF to simplify the BoundedSource like writing.

I agree that extended @SplitRestriction is a good approach.


On 16/07/2018 16:52, Eugene Kirpichov wrote:
> Hi Etienne - thanks for catching this; indeed, I somehow missed that
> actually several runners do this same thing - it seemed to me as
> something that can be done in user code (because it involves combining
> estimated size + split in pretty much the same way), but I'm not so
> sure: even though many runners have a "desired parallelism" option or
> alike, it's not all of them, so we can't use such an option universally.
> Maybe then the right thing to do is to:
> - Use bounded SDFs for these
> - Change SDF @SplitRestriction API to take a desired number of splits as
> a parameter, and introduce an API @EstimateOutputSizeBytes(element)
> valid only on bounded SDFs
> - Add some plumbing to the standard bounded SDF expansion so that
> different runners can compute that parameter differently, the two
> standard ways being "split into given number of splits" or "split based
> on the sub-linear formula of estimated size".
> I think this would work, though this is somewhat more work than I
> anticipated. Any alternative ideas?
> On Mon, Jul 16, 2018 at 3:07 AM Etienne Chauchot <echauc...@apache.org
> <mailto:echauc...@apache.org>> wrote:
>     Hi,
>     thanks Eugene for analyzing and sharing that.
>     I have one comment inline
>     Etienne
>     Le dimanche 15 juillet 2018 à 14:20 -0700, Eugene Kirpichov a écrit :
>>     Hey beamers,
>>     I've always wondered whether the BoundedSource implementations in
>>     the Beam SDK are worth their complexity, or whether they rather
>>     could be converted to the much easier to code ParDo style, which
>>     is also more modular and allows you to very easily implement
>>     readAll().
>>     There's a handful: file-based sources, BigQuery, Bigtable, HBase,
>>     Elasticsearch, MongoDB, Solr and a couple more.
>>     Curiously enough, BoundedSource vs. ParDo matters *only* on
>>     Dataflow, because AFAICT Dataflow is the only runner that cares
>>     about the things that BoundedSource can do and ParDo can't:
>>     - size estimation (used to choose an initial number of workers)
>>     [ok, Flink calls the function to return statistics, but doesn't
>>     seem to do anything else with it]
>     => Spark uses size estimation to set desired bundle size with
>     something like desiredBundleSize = estimatedSize /
>     nbOfWorkersConfigured (partitions)
>     See
> https://github.com/apache/beam/blob/a5634128d194161aebc8d03229fdaa1066cf7739/runners/spark/src/main/java/org/apache/beam/runners/spark/io/SourceRDD.java#L101
>>     - splitting into bundles of given size (Dataflow chooses the
>>     number of bundles to create based on a simple formula that's not
>>     entirely unlike K*sqrt(size))
>>     - liquid sharding (splitAtFraction())
>>     If Dataflow didn't exist, there'd be no reason at all to use
>>     BoundedSource. So the question "which ones can be converted to
>>     ParDo" is really "which ones are used on Dataflow in ways that
>>     make these functions matter". Previously, my conservative
>>     assumption was that the answer is "all of them", but turns out
>>     this is not so.
>>     Liquid sharding always matters; if the source is liquid-shardable,
>>     for now we have to keep it a source (until SDF gains liquid
>>     sharding - which should happen in a quarter or two I think).
>>     Choosing number of bundles to split into is easily done in SDK
>>     code, see https://github.com/apache/beam/pull/5886 for example;
>>     DatastoreIO does something similar.
>>     The remaining thing to analyze is, when does initial scaling
>>     matter. So as a member of the Dataflow team, I analyzed statistics
>>     of production Dataflow jobs in the past month. I can not share my
>>     queries nor the data, because they are proprietary to Google - so
>>     I am sharing just the general methodology and conclusions, because
>>     they matter to the Beam community. I looked at a few criteria,
>>     such as:
>>     - The job should be not too short and not too long: if it's too
>>     short then scaling couldn't have kicked in much at all; if it's
>>     too long then dynamic autoscaling would have been sufficient.
>>     - The job should use, at peak, at least a handful of workers
>>     (otherwise means it wasn't used in settings where much scaling
>>     happened)
>>     After a couple more rounds of narrowing-down, with some
>>     hand-checking that the results and criteria so far make sense, I
>>     ended up with nothing - no jobs that would have suffered a serious
>>     performance regression if their BoundedSource had not supported
>>     initial size estimation [of course, except for the
>>     liquid-shardable ones].
>>     Based on this, I would like to propose to convert the following
>>     BoundedSource-based IOs to ParDo-based, and while we're at it,
>>     probably also add readAll() versions (not necessarily in exactly
>>     the same PR):
>>     - ElasticsearchIO
>>     - SolrIO
>>     - MongoDbIO
>>     - MongoDbGridFSIO
>>     - CassandraIO
>>     - HCatalogIO
>>     - HadoopInputFormatIO
>>     - UnboundedToBoundedSourceAdapter (already have a PR in progress
>>     for this one)
>>     These would not translate to a single ParDo - rather, they'd
>>     translate to ParDo(estimate size and split according to the
>>     formula), Reshuffle, ParDo(read data) - or possibly to a bounded
>>     SDF doing roughly the same (luckily after
>>     https://github.com/apache/beam/pull/5940 all runners at master
>>     will support bounded SDF so this is safe compatibility-wise).
>>     Pretty much like DatastoreIO does.
>>     I would like to also propose to change the IO authoring
>>     guide 
>> https://beam.apache.org/documentation/io/authoring-overview/#when-to-implement-using-the-source-api
>>  to
>>     basically say "Never implement a new BoundedSource unless you can
>>     support liquid sharding". And add a utility for computing a
>>     desired number of splits.
>>     There might be some more details here to iron out, but I wanted to
>>     check with the community that this overall makes sense.
>>     Thanks.

Jean-Baptiste Onofré
Talend - http://www.talend.com

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