Luke, Alex, I have some portable metrics interrogations, can you confirm them ? 

1 - As it is the SDK harness that will run the code of the UDFs, if a UDF 
defines a metric, then the SDK harness will
give updates through GRPC calls to the runner so that the runner could update 
metrics cells, right?

2 - Alex, you mentioned in proto and design doc that there will be no 
aggreagation of metrics. But some runners
(spark/flink) rely on accumulators and when they are merged, it triggers the 
merging of the whole chain to the metric
cells. I know that Dataflow does not do the same, it uses non agregated metrics 
and sends them to an aggregation
service. Will there be a change of paradigm with portability for runners that 
merge themselves ? 

3 - Please confirm that the distinction between attempted and committed metrics 
is not the business of portable metrics.
Indeed, it does not involve communication between the runner harness and the 
SDK harness as it is a runner only matter.
I mean, when a runner commits a bundle it just updates its committed metrics 
and do not need to inform the SDK harness.
But, of course, when the user requests committed metrics through the SDK, then 
the SDK harness will ask the runner
harness to give them.



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