Hi Community,

I am trying to support ORDER BY in BeamSQL (currently in global window
only, see BEAM-5064). In order to do so, I need to sort PCollection<Row>.
The scale of dataset that ORDER BY works on is unknown. It might be up to
TB sized dataset if BeamSQL runs on some benchmarks. But in the most cases,
the sorting shouldn't work on too large dataset.

The safe approach is to sort PCollection<Row> in memory because memory
access should be guaranteed in runners. One possible way is:
Combine.globally(new sortCombineFn()), where sortCombineFn can does Merge
Sort. This approach is bounded by size of memory on a single machine.

External sorting could be more scalable by using storage (e.g. disk). There
are some code in beam/sdks/java/extensions/sorter that is doing it.
However, seems like GCS is not allowed in ExternalSorter in that sorter
module. Assuming ExternalSorter by default uses disk, it is unclear if
runners can access disk and how disk space are provisioned. Another
observation is ExternalSorter does not clean up generated files during

My question is, in major runners (direct, dataflow, spark, flink, e,g,), if
disk is accessible so it is safe to go with external sorting approach
regardless of disk space? Also, is there better practice to sort in Beam?


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