Hi Tim,

regarding the IO, while ago (at the incubator time of the project), we
discussed how to deal with different versions of the backend API and
dependencies. I proposed to have a release cycle per IO and have a
subproject per IO version, like for instance:


I'm still thinking that the best option, allowing to really leverage the
backend version in the right way.

Regarding the release, it's like what I'm doing in the ServiceMix
Bundles: the IO can have their own release cycle. As we agreed on a
periodical release cycle, not sure if it's still required, but it could
be interesting (why not having a specific repository for IOs).


On 28/08/2018 10:43, Tim Robertson wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I'd like to revisit the discussion around our versioning policy
> specifically for the Hadoop ecosystem and make sure we are aware of the
> implications.
> As an example our policy today would have us on HBase 2.1 and I have
> reminders to address this.
> However, currently the versions of HBase in the major hadoop distros are:
>  - Cloudera 5 on HBase 1.2 (Cloudera 6 is 2.1 but is only in beta)
>  - Hortonworks HDP3 on HBase 2.0 (only recently released so we can
> assume is not widely adopted)
>  - AWS EMR HBase on 1.4
> On the versioning I think we might need a more nuanced approach to
> ensure that we target real communities of existing and potential users.
> Enterprise users need to stick to the supported versions in the
> distributions to maintain support contracts from the vendors.
> Should our versioning policy have more room to consider on a case by
> case basis?
> For Hadoop might we benefit from a strategy on which community of users
> Beam is targeting? 
> (OT: I'm collecting some thoughts on what we might consider to target
> enterprise hadoop users - kerberos on all relevant IO, performance,
> leaking beyond encryption zones with temporary files etc)
> Thanks,
> Tim

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