*How does modelling a timer as a PCollection help the Beam model?*

The largest concern was about how to model timers within Apache Beam that:
1) removed the need for the watermark hold that is typically accompanied
with state/timer implementations
2) enabled the ability to set the explicit output time to be independent of
the firing time for all timer specifications [1]

I felt as though treating timers as a self-loop around the ParDo PTransform
allowed us to use the natural definition of output watermark = min(all
input watermarks) as a way to define how timers hold output and using
windowed values that contained timers as a natural way to represent the
output time to be independent of the firing time. The purpose of the
PCollection right now is to store the representation of how timers are
encoded. I suspect that at some point in time we will have different timer

Having this fit well with how timers are delivered between the SDK and
Runner was an added bonus. Also, a good portion of the code that I needed
to fix up was more related to the assumption that there was ever only a
single input producer to an executable stage and plumbing of timer
specifications through all the runner library support layers.

*There is no "clear" for timers.*

The current Java API for timers only allows you to set them. Clearing
timers is not exposed to users and is only used by internal implementations
to support runners[2] via TimerInternals. Usage of a timer is like so:
  private final TimerSpec timerSpec =

  public void process(
      ProcessContext context,
      BoundedWindow window,
      @TimerId("timer") Timer myTimer) {


I'm not a big fan of having timers as a separate field in the elements
proto. I still think they should be treated as an input/output and we could
update the representation so that inputs/outputs for PTransforms don't need
to be "PCollections". I was thinking that our current PCollection
representation assumes that we'll never want to change it to add extra
information or do backwards incompatible changes like beam:pcollection:v2.

Other points:
* side inputs already require a runner to introspect the ParDo payload to
get the SideInputSpec, requiring it to have knowledge of the TimerSpec is
no different.
* multimap side input over timers where the key is the key that the timer
is associated with. iterable side input over timers would allow you to
iterate over <key, timer> pairs. This could be useful for skew control in
sources since they would want to know how far they are ahead vs other
* user state as a PCollection can make sense but I can't see how we can get
past problems when we treat it as an "input" since the input watermark
would be ignored or infinity?. I do agree that this could open the door to
sharing "state" such as multi-key transactions but very speculative as you

1: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/BEAM-2535

On Wed, Sep 19, 2018 at 6:28 AM Thomas Weise <t...@apache.org> wrote:

> Robert,
> Thanks for presenting these thoughts. Your attempt to implement the timer
> support in the Python runner is the first strong signal we have and it is
> the right time to make changes - AFAIK no other runner work has been done.
> I'm also a bit concerned about the acrobatics required in the PR to make
> this work. Luke will be in the best position to comment, but as I recall we
> considered modeling timers as special PCollections a simplification for SDK
> <> Runner interaction and overall implementation. The special treatment
> (and slight confusion) at the graph level perhaps was an early warning
> sign, discovering the extra complexity wiring this in a runner should be a
> reason to revisit.
> Conceptually timers are special state, they are certainly more state than
> stream :) Regardless how they are passed to the harness, the runner will
> need to treat them similar to side inputs and user state.
> Thanks,
> Thomas
> On Wed, Sep 19, 2018 at 3:33 AM Robert Bradshaw <rober...@google.com>
> wrote:
>> TLDR Perhaps we should revisit
>> https://s.apache.org/beam-portability-timers in light of the fact that
>> Timers are more like State than PCollections.
>> --
>> While looking at implementing State and Timers in the Python SDK, I've
>> been revisiting the ideas presented at
>> https://s.apache.org/beam-portability-timers , and am now starting to
>> wonder if this is actually the best way to model things (at least at the
>> Runner level). Instead it seems Timers are more resemble, and are tightly
>> bound to, State than PCollections.
>> This is especially clear when writing timers. These timers are not a bag
>> of emitted elements, rather one sets (and clears) timers and the set of
>> timers that end up firing are a result of this *ordered* sequence of
>> operations. It is also often important that the setting of timers be
>> ordered with respect to the setting and clearing of state itself (and is
>> more often than not collocated with such requests).
>> In addition, these self-loops add complexity to the graph but provide no
>> additional information--they are entirely redundant with the timerspecs
>> already present on DoFns. Generally I prefer less redundancy in the spec,
>> rather than have it be over-constrained. It's unclear what a runner that
>> didn't introspect the DoFn's TimerSpecs would do with this these special
>> edges, and also unclear how they would differ from possible self-loops due
>> to more traditional iteration.
>> The primary motivation to express timers in this way seems to be the
>> desire to push them to workers using the data plan, rather than inventing
>> another mechanism or making them pull-based like with state. I think this
>> could be done by simply adding a Timer field to the Elements (or Data)
>> proto. (Note that this is not the same as having an hacky ElementOrTimer
>> elements flow through the graph.) Writes would be state requests, and
>> perhaps it would even make sense to "read" the current value of an unfired
>> timer over the state API, to be able to set things like
>> {min,max}(new_timestamp,old_timestamp}.
>> (We could alternatively attempt to model State(s) as a PCollection(s),
>> but this is more speculative and would likely exacerbate some of the issues
>> above (though it could open the door for DoFns that somehow *share* state).
>> They seem like different objects though, one is a mutable store, the other
>> an immutable stream.)
>> I realize this is a big shift, but we could probably adapt the existing
>> Python/Java implementations fairly easily (and it would probably simplify
>> them). And it's easier to do simplifications like this sooner rather than
>> later.
>> What do people think about this? Any obvious (or not-so-obvious)
>> downsides that I'm missing?
>> - Robert

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