On Tue, Oct 23, 2018 at 11:28 PM Kenneth Knowles <k...@apache.org> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Java Precommit duration is about 1h15. That is quite a burden. Especially
> if something gets broken.

I'm in favor of (simple!) build breaks going in before precommits finish,
on the promise that the offending test(s) passed locally. Short of that, we
can roll back.

If it were cheap to get a fast "this is probably good" signal, that could
be useful as well, though once you hit the "I'm waiting long enough to go
do something else" the difference between 20 minutes and 80 minutes is not
that huge.

> We turned off parallel builds, which we really need to re-enable.


> But beyond that, I see low-hanging fruit that would most appropriately be
> a separate Jenkins job.
> Here's a scan of a successful run:
> https://scans.gradle.com/s/2s4bd5hc45wuy/timeline
> * 17m :beam-runners-google-cloud-dataflow-java-examples:preCommit
> * 4m :beam-runners-google-cloud-dataflow-java-examples-streaming:preCommit
> These are integration tests that should have their own job & status
> anyhow. We lumped them in because Maven can't do separate tests. Gradle
> makes this cheap and easy.
> Then there are these which are the only other tasks over 1m:
> * 2m :beam-runners-google-cloud-dataflow-java-legacy-worker:test
> * 2m :beam-runners-google-cloud-dataflow-java-fn-api-worker:test
> * 2m :beam-sdks-java-nexmark:test
> * 1m :beam-sdks-java-io-google-cloud-platform:test
> * 1m :beam-sdks-java-io-hbase:test
> * 1m :beam-sdks-java-extensions-sql:test
> Maybe not worth messing with these.  Also if we remove all the shadowJar
> and shadowTestJar tasks it actually looks like it would only save 5
> minutes, so I was hasty in thinking that would solve things. It will make
> interactive work better (going from 30s to maybe <10s for rebuilds) but
> won't help that much for Jenkins.
> Kenn

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