I had the same question, and tt supports many more than we do:

 All the various rules checks have clear explanations and justifications
for why they're doing what they do.
It would be quite handy as part of the precommits I think, if at least as a
warning or similar, until we get the noise down.

On Thu, 3 Jan 2019 at 10:55, Udi Meiri <eh...@google.com> wrote:

> +1 for adding more code quality signals. Could we add them in an
> advisory-only mode at first? (a warning and not an error)
> I'm curious how the "technical debt" metric is determined.
> I'm not familiar with SonarQube. What languages does it support?
> On Thu, Jan 3, 2019 at 10:19 AM Mikhail Gryzykhin <mig...@google.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> In our current builds we (can) run multiple code quality checks tools
>> like checkstyle, findbugs, code test coverage via cubertura. However we do
>> not utilize many of those signals.
>> I suggest to add requirements to code based on those tools. Specifically,
>> I suggest to add pre-commit checks that will require PRs to conform to some
>> quality checks.
>> We can see good example of thresholds to add at Apache SonarQube
>> provided default quality gate config
>> <https://builds.apache.org/analysis/quality_gates/show/1>:
>> 80% tests coverage on new code,
>> 5% technical technical debt on new code,
>> No bugs/Vulnerabilities added.
>> As another part of this proposal, I want to suggest the use of SonarQube
>> for tracking code statistics and as agent for enforcing code quality
>> thresholds. It is Apache provided tool that has integration with Jenkins or
>> Gradle via plugins.
>> I believe some reporting to SonarQube was configured for mvn builds of
>> some of Beam sub-projects, but was lost during migration to gradle.
>> I was looking for other options, but so far found only general configs to
>> gradle builds that will fail build if code coverage for project is too low.
>> Such approach will force us to backfill tests for all existing code that
>> can be tedious and demand learning of all legacy code that might not be
>> part of current work.
>> I suggest to discuss and come to conclusion on two points in this tread:
>> 1. Do we want to add code quality checks to our pre-commit jobs and
>> require them to pass before PR is merged?
>> Suggested: Add code quality checks listed above at first, adjust them as
>> we see fit in the future.
>> 2. What tools do we want to utilize for analyzing code quality?
>> Under discussion. Suggested: SonarQube, but will depend on functionality
>> level we want to achieve.
>> Regards,
>> --Mikhail

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