That's an interesting idea. I must confess I don't rightly know the
difference between a schema and coder, but here's what I've got with a bit
of searching through memory and the mailing list. Please let me know if I'm
off track.

As near as I can tell, a schema, as far as Beam takes it
a mechanism to define what data is extracted from a given row of data. So
in principle, there's an opportunity to be more efficient with data with
many columns that aren't being used, and only extract the data that's
meaningful to the pipeline.
The trick then is how to apply the schema to a given serialization format,
which is something I'm missing in my mental model (and then how to do it
efficiently in Go).

I do know that the Go client package for BigQuery
<> does something
like that, using field tags. Similarly, the "encoding/json"
<> package in the Go
Standard Library permits annotating fields and it will read out and
deserialize the JSON fields and that's it.

A concern I have is that Go (at present) would require pre-compile time
code generation for schemas to be efficient, and they would still mostly
boil down to turning []bytes into real structs. Go reflection doesn't keep
Go has no mechanism I'm aware of to Just In Time compile more efficient
processing of values.
It's also not 100% clear how Schema's would play with protocol buffers or
BigQuery has a mechanism of generating a JSON schema from a proto file
<>, but that's
only the specification half, not the using half.

As it stands, the code generator I've been building these last months could
(in principle) statically analyze a user's struct, and then generate an
efficient dedicated coder for it. It just has no where to put them such
that the Go SDK would use it.

On Thu, Jan 3, 2019 at 1:39 PM Reuven Lax <> wrote:

> I'll make a different suggestion. There's been some chatter that schemas
> are a better tool than coders, and that in Beam 3.0 we should make schemas
> the basic semantics instead of coders. Schemas provide everything a coder
> provides, but also allows for far more readable code. We can't make such a
> change in Beam Java 2.X for compatibility reasons, but maybe in Go we're
> better off starting with schemas instead of coders?
> Reuven
> On Thu, Jan 3, 2019 at 8:45 PM Robert Burke <> wrote:
>> One area that the Go SDK currently lacks: is the ability for users to
>> specify their own coders for types.
>> I've written a proposal document,
>> <>
>>  and
>> while I'm confident about the core, there are certainly some edge cases
>> that require discussion before getting on with the implementation.
>> At presently, the SDK only permits primitive value types (all numeric
>> types but complex, strings, and []bytes) which are coded with beam coders,
>> and structs whose exported fields are of those type, which is then encoded
>> as JSON. Protocol buffer support is hacked in to avoid the type anaiyzer,
>> and presents the current work around this issue.
>> The high level proposal is to catch up with Python and Java, and have a
>> coder registry. In addition, arrays, and maps should be permitted as well.
>> If you have alternatives, or other suggestions and opinions, I'd love to
>> hear them! Otherwise my intent is to get a PR ready by the end of January.
>> Thanks!
>> Robert Burke


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