After doing the Guava vendoring as a practice run [1], I started on Calcite
[2]. I have a couple issues, questions, suspicions I wanted to bring up to
see if anyone had good ideas.

 - Calcite has a bunch of transitive deps which I vendored with it.
 - Calcite's transitive deps include proto. Relocating would break
generated code unless it is also bundled. I don't really know the story
 - Our SQL parser links into Calcite, so needs to share relocation. We do
exactly this between vendored gRPC and the generated portability classes.
Perhaps this parser package should be isolated from the main Beam SQL
 - Codegen of SQL statements links into Calcite. Does it link the generated
code with its own support library by using reflection (in which case
relocation is probably fine) or by concatenating strings (in which case
relocation would break things if we cannot configure a custom prefix)?

It is a lot to deal with, but also a decent payoff. We know there are users
who wanted to use their own version of Calcite but could not. Also you have
to tweak your IntelliJ to step into Calcite's code while debugging, whereas
after this vendoring that won't be necessary.



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