Are there existing meanings for the priorities in Jira already? I wasn't
able to find any info on either the Beam website or wiki about it, so I've
just been prioritizing issues based on gut feeling. If not, I think having
some well-defined priorities would be nice, at least for our test-failures,
and especially if we wanna have some SLOs like I've seen being thrown about.

On Fri, Feb 8, 2019 at 3:06 PM Kenneth Knowles <> wrote:

> I've been thinking about this since working on the release. If I ignore
> the names I think:
> P0: get paged, stop whatever you planned on doing, work late to fix
> P1: continually update everyone on status and shouldn't sit around
> unassigned
> P2: most things here; they can be planned or picked up by whomever
> P3: nice-to-have things, maybe starter tasks or lesser cleanup, but no
> driving need
> Sometimes there's P4 but I don't value it. Often P3 is a deprioritized
> thing from P2, so more involved and complex, while P4 is something easy and
> not important filed just as a reminder. Either way, they are both not on
> the main path of work.
> I looked into it and the Jira priority scheme determines the set of
> priorities as well as the default. Ours is shared by 635 projects. Probably
> worth keeping. The default priority is Major which would correspond with
> P2. We can expect the default to be where most issues end up.
> P0 == Blocker: get paged, stop whatever you planned on doing, work late to
> fix
> P1 == Critical: continually update everyone on status and shouldn't sit
> around unassigned
> P0 == Major (default): most things here; they can be planned or picked up
> by whomever
> P3 == Minor: nice-to-have things, maybe starter tasks or lesser cleanup,
> but no driving need
> Trivial: Maybe this is attractive to newcomers as it makes it sound easy.
> Kenn
> On Thu, Feb 7, 2019 at 4:08 PM Alex Amato <> wrote:
>> Hello Beam community, I was thinking about this and found some
>> information to share/discuss. Would it be possible to confirm my thinking
>> on this:
>>    - There are 5 priorities in the JIRA system today (tooltip link
>> <>
>>    ):
>>    -
>>       - *Blocker* Blocks development and/or testing work, production
>>       could not run
>>       - *Critical* Crashes, loss of data, severe memory leak.
>>       - *Major* Major loss of function.
>>       - *Minor* Minor loss of function, or other problem where easy
>>       workaround is present.
>>       - *Trivial* Cosmetic problem like misspelt words or misaligned
>>       text.
>>    - How should JIRA issues be prioritized for pre/post commit test
>>    failures?
>>       - I think *Blocker*
>>    - What about the flakey failures?
>>       - *Blocker* as well?
>>    - How should non test issues be prioritized? (E.g. feature to
>>    implement or bugs not regularly breaking tests).
>>       - I suggest *Minor*, but its not clear how to distinguish between
>>       these.
>> Below is my thinking: But I wanted to know what the Apache/Beam community
>> generally thinks about these priorities.
>>    - *Blocker*: Expect to be paged. Production systems are down.
>>    - *Critical*: Expect to be contacted by email or a bot to fix this.
>>    - *Major*: Some loss of function in the repository, can issues that
>>    need to be addressed soon are here.
>>    - *Minor*: Most issues will be here, important issues within this
>>    will get picked up and completed. FRs, bugs.
>>    - *Trivial*: Unlikely to be implemented, far too many issues in this
>>    category. FRs, bugs.
>> Thanks for helping to clear this up
>> Alex

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