
I came across KafkaIO's Runner whitelist [1] for enabling exactly-once semantics (EOS). I think it is questionable to exclude Runners from inside a transform, but I see that the intention was to save users from surprises.

Now why does the Flink Runner not support KafkaIO EOS? Flink's native KafkaProducer supports exactly-once. It simply commits the pending transaction once it has completed a checkpoint.

A checkpoint is realized by sending barriers through all channels starting from the source until reaching all sinks. Every operator persists its state once it has received a barrier on all its input channels, it then forwards it to the downstream operators.

The architecture of Beam's KafkaExactlyOnceSink is as follows[2]:

Input -> AssignRandomShardIds -> GroupByKey -> AssignSequenceIds -> GroupByKey -> ExactlyOnceWriter

As I understood, Spark or Dataflow use the GroupByKey stages to persist the input. That is not required in Flink to be able to take a consistent snapshot of the pipeline.

Basically, for Flink we don't need any of that magic that KafkaIO does. What we would need to support EOS is a way to tell the ExactlyOnceWriter (a DoFn) to commit once a checkpoint has completed.

I know that the new version of SDF supports checkpointing which should solve this issue. But there is still a lot of work to do to make this reality.

So I think it would make sense to think about a way to make KafkaIO's EOS more accessible to Runners which support a different way of checkpointing.


PS: I found this document about RequiresStableInput [3], but IMHO defining an annotation only manifests the conceptual difference between the Runners.

[1] https://github.com/apache/beam/blob/988a22f01bb133dd65b3cc75e05978d695aed76c/sdks/java/io/kafka/src/main/java/org/apache/beam/sdk/io/kafka/KafkaIO.java#L1144 [2] https://github.com/apache/beam/blob/988a22f01bb133dd65b3cc75e05978d695aed76c/sdks/java/io/kafka/src/main/java/org/apache/beam/sdk/io/kafka/KafkaExactlyOnceSink.java#L166 [3] https://docs.google.com/document/d/117yRKbbcEdm3eIKB_26BHOJGmHSZl1YNoF0RqWGtqAM

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