On Fri, Apr 5, 2019 at 6:24 PM Kenneth Knowles <k...@apache.org> wrote:
> Nested and unnested contexts are two different encodings. Can we just give 
> them different URNs? We can even just express the length-prefixed UTF-8 as a 
> composition of the length-prefix URN and the UTF-8 URN.

It's not that simple, especially when it comes to composite encodings.
E.g. for some coders, nested(C) == unnested(C), for some coders
nested(C) == lenth_prefix(unnested(C)), and for other coders it's
something else altogether (e.g. when creating a kv coder, the first
component must use nested context, and the second inherits the nested
vs. unnested context). When creating TupleCoder(A, B) one doesn't want
to forcibly use LenthPrefixCoder(A) and LengthPrefixCoder(B), nor does
one want to force LengthPrefixCoder(TupleCoder(A, B)) because A and B
may themselves be large and incrementally written (e.g.
IterableCoder). Using distinct URNs doesn't work well if the runner is
free to compose and decompose tuple, iterable, etc. coders that it
doesn't understand.

Until we stop using Coders for IO (a worthy but probably lofty goal)
we will continue to need the unnested context (lest we expect and
produce length-prefixed coders in text files, as bigtable keys, etc.).
On the other hand, almost all internal use is nested (due to sending
elements around as part of element streams). The other place we cross
over is LengthPrefixCoder that encodes its values using the unnested
context prefixed by the unnested encoding length.

Perhaps a step in the right direction would be to consistently use the
unnested context everywhere but IOs (meaning when we talked about
coders from the FnAPI perspective, they're *always* in the nested
context, and hence always have the one and only encoding defined by
that URN, including when wrapped by a length prefix coder (which would
sometimes result in double length prefixing, but I think that's a
price worth paying (or we could do something more clever like make
length-prefix an (explicit) modifier on a coder rather than a new
coder itself that would default to length prefixing (or some of the
other delimiting schemes we've come up with) but allow the component
coder to offer alternative length-prefix-compatible encodings))). IOs
could be updated to take Parsers and Formatters (or whatever we call
them) with the Coders in the constructors left as syntactic sugar
until we could remove them in 3.0. As Luke says, we have a chance to
fix our coders for portable pipelines now.

In the (very) short term, we're stuck with a nested and unnested
version of StringUtf8, just as we have for bytes, lest we change the
meaning of (or disallow some of) TupleCoder[StrUtf8Coder, ...],
LengthPrefixCoder[StrUtf8Coder], and using StringUtf8Coder for IO.

> On Fri, Apr 5, 2019 at 12:38 AM Robert Bradshaw <rober...@google.com> wrote:
>> On Fri, Apr 5, 2019 at 12:50 AM Heejong Lee <heej...@google.com> wrote:
>> >
>> > Robert, does nested/unnested context work properly for Java?
>> I believe so. It is similar to the bytes coder, that prefixes vs. not
>> based on the context.
>> > I can see that the Context is fixed to NESTED[1] and the encode method 
>> > with the Context parameter is marked as deprecated[2].
>> >
>> > [1]: 
>> > https://github.com/apache/beam/blob/0868e7544fd1e96db67ff5b9e70a67802c0f0c8e/sdks/java/core/src/main/java/org/apache/beam/sdk/coders/StringUtf8Coder.java#L68
>> > [2]: 
>> > https://github.com/apache/beam/blob/0868e7544fd1e96db67ff5b9e70a67802c0f0c8e/sdks/java/core/src/main/java/org/apache/beam/sdk/coders/Coder.java#L132
>> That doesn't mean it's unused, e.g.
>> https://github.com/apache/beam/blob/release-2.12.0/sdks/java/core/src/main/java/org/apache/beam/sdk/util/CoderUtils.java#L160
>> https://github.com/apache/beam/blob/release-2.12.0/sdks/java/core/src/main/java/org/apache/beam/sdk/coders/LengthPrefixCoder.java#L64
>> (and I'm sure there's others).
>> > On Thu, Apr 4, 2019 at 3:25 PM Robert Bradshaw <rober...@google.com> wrote:
>> >>
>> >> I don't know why there are two separate copies of
>> >> standard_coders.yaml--originally there was just one (though it did
>> >> live in the Python directory). I'm guessing a copy was made rather
>> >> than just pointing both to the new location, but that completely
>> >> defeats the point. I can't seem to access JIRA right now; could
>> >> someone file an issue to resolve this?
>> >>
>> >> I also think the spec should be next to the definition of the URN,
>> >> that's one of the reason the URNs were originally in a markdown file
>> >> (to encourage good documentation, literate programming style). Many
>> >> coders already have their specs there.
>> >>
>> >> Regarding backwards compatibility, we can't change existing coders,
>> >> and making new coders won't help with inference ('cause changing that
>> >> would also be backwards incompatible). Fortunately, I think we're
>> >> already doing the consistent thing here: In both Python and Java the
>> >> raw UTF-8 encoded bytes are encoded when used in an *unnested* context
>> >> and the length-prefixed UTF-8 encoded bytes are used when the coder is
>> >> used in a *nested* context.
>> >>
>> >> I'd really like to see the whole nested/unnested context go away, but
>> >> that'll probably require Beam 3.0; it causes way more confusion than
>> >> the couple of bytes it saves in a couple of places.
>> >>
>> >> - Robert
>> >>
>> >> On Thu, Apr 4, 2019 at 10:55 PM Robert Burke <rob...@frantil.com> wrote:
>> >> >
>> >> > My 2cents is that the "Textual description" should be part of the 
>> >> > documentation of the URNs on the Proto messages, since that's the 
>> >> > common place. I've added a short description for the varints for 
>> >> > example, and we already have lenghthier format & protocol descriptions 
>> >> > there for iterables and similar.
>> >> >
>> >> > The proto [1] *can be* the spec if we want it to be.
>> >> >
>> >> > [1]: 
>> >> > https://github.com/apache/beam/blob/069fc3de95bd96f34c363308ad9ba988ab58502d/model/pipeline/src/main/proto/beam_runner_api.proto#L557
>> >> >
>> >> > On Thu, 4 Apr 2019 at 13:51, Kenneth Knowles <k...@apache.org> wrote:
>> >> >>
>> >> >>
>> >> >>
>> >> >> On Thu, Apr 4, 2019 at 1:49 PM Robert Burke <rob...@frantil.com> wrote:
>> >> >>>
>> >> >>> We should probably move the "java" version of the yaml file [1] to a 
>> >> >>> common location rather than deep in the java hierarchy, or copying it 
>> >> >>> for Go and Python, but that can be a separate task. It's probably 
>> >> >>> non-trivial since it looks like it's part of a java resources 
>> >> >>> structure.
>> >> >>
>> >> >>
>> >> >> Seems like /model is a good place for this if we don't want to invent 
>> >> >> a new language-independent hierarchy.
>> >> >>
>> >> >> Kenn
>> >> >>
>> >> >>
>> >> >>>
>> >> >>> Luke, the Go SDK doesn't currently do this validation, but it 
>> >> >>> shouldn't be difficult, given pointers to the Java and Python 
>> >> >>> variants of the tests to crib from [2]. Care would need to be taken 
>> >> >>> so that Beam Go SDK users (such as they are) aren't forced to run 
>> >> >>> them, and not have the yaml file to read. I'd suggest putting it with 
>> >> >>> the integration tests [3].
>> >> >>>
>> >> >>> I've filed a JIRA (BEAM-7009) for tracking this Go SDK side work. [4]
>> >> >>>
>> >> >>> 1: 
>> >> >>> https://github.com/apache/beam/blob/master/model/fn-execution/src/main/resources/org/apache/beam/model/fnexecution/v1/standard_coders.yaml
>> >> >>> 2: 
>> >> >>> https://github.com/apache/beam/search?q=standard_coders.yaml&unscoped_q=standard_coders.yaml
>> >> >>> 3: https://github.com/apache/beam/tree/master/sdks/go/test
>> >> >>> 4: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/BEAM-7009
>> >> >>>
>> >> >>>
>> >> >>> On Thu, 4 Apr 2019 at 13:28, Lukasz Cwik <lc...@google.com> wrote:
>> >> >>>>
>> >> >>>>
>> >> >>>>
>> >> >>>> On Thu, Apr 4, 2019 at 1:15 PM Chamikara Jayalath 
>> >> >>>> <chamik...@google.com> wrote:
>> >> >>>>>
>> >> >>>>>
>> >> >>>>>
>> >> >>>>> On Thu, Apr 4, 2019 at 12:15 PM Lukasz Cwik <lc...@google.com> 
>> >> >>>>> wrote:
>> >> >>>>>>
>> >> >>>>>> standard_coders.yaml[1] is where we are currently defining these 
>> >> >>>>>> formats.
>> >> >>>>>> Unfortunately the Python SDK has its own copy[2].
>> >> >>>>>
>> >> >>>>>
>> >> >>>>> Ah great. Thanks for the pointer. Any idea why there's  a separate 
>> >> >>>>> copy for Python ? I didn't see a significant difference in 
>> >> >>>>> definitions looking at few random coders there but I might have 
>> >> >>>>> missed something. If there's no reason to maintain two, we should 
>> >> >>>>> probably unify.
>> >> >>>>> Also, seems like we haven't added the definition for UTF-8 coder 
>> >> >>>>> yet.
>> >> >>>>>
>> >> >>>>
>> >> >>>> Not certain as well. I did notice the timer coder definition didn't 
>> >> >>>> exist in the Python copy.
>> >> >>>>
>> >> >>>>>>
>> >> >>>>>>
>> >> >>>>>> Here is an example PR[3] that adds the "beam:coder:double:v1" as 
>> >> >>>>>> tests to the Java and Python SDKs to ensure interoperability.
>> >> >>>>>>
>> >> >>>>>> Robert Burke, does the Go SDK have a test where it uses 
>> >> >>>>>> standard_coders.yaml and runs compatibility tests?
>> >> >>>>>>
>> >> >>>>>> Chamikara, creating new coder classes is a pain since the type -> 
>> >> >>>>>> coder mapping per SDK language would select the non-well known 
>> >> >>>>>> type if we added a new one to a language. If we swapped the 
>> >> >>>>>> default type->coder mapping, this would still break update for 
>> >> >>>>>> pipelines forcing users to update their code to select the 
>> >> >>>>>> non-well known type. If we don't change the default type->coder 
>> >> >>>>>> mapping, the well known coder will gain little usage. I think we 
>> >> >>>>>> should fix the Python coder to use the same encoding as Java for 
>> >> >>>>>> UTF-8 strings before there are too many Python SDK users.
>> >> >>>>>
>> >> >>>>>
>> >> >>>>> I was thinking that may be we should just change the default UTF-8 
>> >> >>>>> coder for Fn API path which is experimental. Updating Python to do 
>> >> >>>>> what's done for Java is fine if we agree that encoding used for 
>> >> >>>>> Java should be the standard.
>> >> >>>>>
>> >> >>>>
>> >> >>>> That is a good idea to use the Fn API experiment to control which 
>> >> >>>> gets selected.
>> >> >>>>
>> >> >>>>>>
>> >> >>>>>>
>> >> >>>>>> 1: 
>> >> >>>>>> https://github.com/apache/beam/blob/master/model/fn-execution/src/main/resources/org/apache/beam/model/fnexecution/v1/standard_coders.yaml
>> >> >>>>>> 2: 
>> >> >>>>>> https://github.com/apache/beam/blob/master/sdks/python/apache_beam/testing/data/standard_coders.yaml
>> >> >>>>>> 3: https://github.com/apache/beam/pull/8205
>> >> >>>>>>
>> >> >>>>>> On Thu, Apr 4, 2019 at 11:50 AM Chamikara Jayalath 
>> >> >>>>>> <chamik...@google.com> wrote:
>> >> >>>>>>>
>> >> >>>>>>>
>> >> >>>>>>>
>> >> >>>>>>> On Thu, Apr 4, 2019 at 11:29 AM Robert Bradshaw 
>> >> >>>>>>> <rober...@google.com> wrote:
>> >> >>>>>>>>
>> >> >>>>>>>> A URN defines the encoding.
>> >> >>>>>>>>
>> >> >>>>>>>> There are (unfortunately) *two* encodings defined for a Coder 
>> >> >>>>>>>> (defined
>> >> >>>>>>>> by a URN), the nested and the unnested one. IIRC, in both Java 
>> >> >>>>>>>> and
>> >> >>>>>>>> Python, the nested one prefixes with a var-int length, and the
>> >> >>>>>>>> unnested one does not.
>> >> >>>>>>>
>> >> >>>>>>>
>> >> >>>>>>> Could you clarify where we define the exact encoding ? I only see 
>> >> >>>>>>> a URN for UTF-8 [1] while if you look at the implementations Java 
>> >> >>>>>>> includes length in the encoding [1] while Python [1] does not.
>> >> >>>>>>>
>> >> >>>>>>> [1] 
>> >> >>>>>>> https://github.com/apache/beam/blob/069fc3de95bd96f34c363308ad9ba988ab58502d/model/pipeline/src/main/proto/beam_runner_api.proto#L563
>> >> >>>>>>> [2] 
>> >> >>>>>>> https://github.com/apache/beam/blob/master/sdks/java/core/src/main/java/org/apache/beam/sdk/coders/StringUtf8Coder.java#L50
>> >> >>>>>>> [3] 
>> >> >>>>>>> https://github.com/apache/beam/blob/master/sdks/python/apache_beam/coders/coders.py#L321
>> >> >>>>>>>
>> >> >>>>>>>
>> >> >>>>>>>>
>> >> >>>>>>>>
>> >> >>>>>>>> We should define the spec clearly and have cross-language tests.
>> >> >>>>>>>
>> >> >>>>>>>
>> >> >>>>>>> +1
>> >> >>>>>>>
>> >> >>>>>>> Regarding backwards compatibility, I agree that we should 
>> >> >>>>>>> probably not update existing coder classes. Probably we should 
>> >> >>>>>>> just standardize the correct encoding (may be as a comment near 
>> >> >>>>>>> corresponding URN in the beam_runner_api.proto ?) and create new 
>> >> >>>>>>> coder classes as needed.
>> >> >>>>>>>
>> >> >>>>>>>>
>> >> >>>>>>>>
>> >> >>>>>>>> On Thu, Apr 4, 2019 at 8:13 PM Pablo Estrada 
>> >> >>>>>>>> <pabl...@google.com> wrote:
>> >> >>>>>>>> >
>> >> >>>>>>>> > Could this be a backwards-incompatible change that would break 
>> >> >>>>>>>> > pipelines from upgrading? If they have data in-flight in 
>> >> >>>>>>>> > between operators, and we change the coder, they would break?
>> >> >>>>>>>> > I know very little about coders, but since nobody has 
>> >> >>>>>>>> > mentioned it, I wanted to make sure we have it in mind.
>> >> >>>>>>>> > -P.
>> >> >>>>>>>> >
>> >> >>>>>>>> > On Wed, Apr 3, 2019 at 8:33 PM Kenneth Knowles 
>> >> >>>>>>>> > <k...@apache.org> wrote:
>> >> >>>>>>>> >>
>> >> >>>>>>>> >> Agree that a coder URN defines the encoding. I see that 
>> >> >>>>>>>> >> string UTF-8 was added to the proto enum, but it needs a 
>> >> >>>>>>>> >> written spec of the encoding. Ideally some test data that 
>> >> >>>>>>>> >> different languages can use to drive compliance testing.
>> >> >>>>>>>> >>
>> >> >>>>>>>> >> Kenn
>> >> >>>>>>>> >>
>> >> >>>>>>>> >> On Wed, Apr 3, 2019 at 6:21 PM Robert Burke 
>> >> >>>>>>>> >> <rob...@frantil.com> wrote:
>> >> >>>>>>>> >>>
>> >> >>>>>>>> >>> String UTF8 was recently added as a "standard coder " URN in 
>> >> >>>>>>>> >>> the protos, but I don't think that developed beyond Java, so 
>> >> >>>>>>>> >>> adding it to Python would be reasonable in my opinion.
>> >> >>>>>>>> >>>
>> >> >>>>>>>> >>> The Go SDK handles Strings as "custom coders" presently 
>> >> >>>>>>>> >>> which for Go are always length prefixed (and reported to the 
>> >> >>>>>>>> >>> Runner as LP+CustomCoder). It would be straight forward to 
>> >> >>>>>>>> >>> add the correct handling for strings, as Go natively treats 
>> >> >>>>>>>> >>> strings as UTF8.
>> >> >>>>>>>> >>>
>> >> >>>>>>>> >>>
>> >> >>>>>>>> >>> On Wed, Apr 3, 2019, 5:03 PM Heejong Lee 
>> >> >>>>>>>> >>> <heej...@google.com> wrote:
>> >> >>>>>>>> >>>>
>> >> >>>>>>>> >>>> Hi all,
>> >> >>>>>>>> >>>>
>> >> >>>>>>>> >>>> It looks like UTF-8 String Coder in Java and Python SDKs 
>> >> >>>>>>>> >>>> uses different encoding schemes. StringUtf8Coder in Java 
>> >> >>>>>>>> >>>> SDK puts the varint length of the input string before 
>> >> >>>>>>>> >>>> actual data bytes however StrUtf8Coder in Python SDK 
>> >> >>>>>>>> >>>> directly encodes the input string to bytes value. For the 
>> >> >>>>>>>> >>>> last few weeks, I've been testing and fixing cross-language 
>> >> >>>>>>>> >>>> IO transforms and this discrepancy is a major blocker for 
>> >> >>>>>>>> >>>> me. IMO, we should unify the encoding schemes of UTF8 
>> >> >>>>>>>> >>>> strings across the different SDKs and make it a standard 
>> >> >>>>>>>> >>>> coder. Any thoughts?
>> >> >>>>>>>> >>>>
>> >> >>>>>>>> >>>> Thanks,

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