I agree that the Expansion service knows about the artifacts required for a
cross language transform and having a prepackage folder/Zip for transforms
based on language makes sense.

One think to note here is that expansion service might not have the same
access privilege as the pipeline author and hence might not be able to
stage artifacts by itself.
Keeping this in mind I am leaning towards making Expansion service provide
all the required artifacts to the user and let the user stage the artifacts
as regular artifacts.
At this time, we only have Beam File System based artifact staging which
users local credentials to access different file systems. Even a docker
based expansion service running on local machine might not have the same
access privileges.

In brief this is what I am leaning toward.
User call for pipeline submission -> Expansion service provide cross
language transforms and relevant artifacts to the Sdk -> Sdk Submits the
pipeline to Jobserver and Stages user and cross language artifacts to
artifacts staging service

On Thu, Apr 18, 2019 at 2:33 PM Chamikara Jayalath <chamik...@google.com>

> On Thu, Apr 18, 2019 at 2:12 PM Lukasz Cwik <lc...@google.com> wrote:
>> Note that Max did ask whether making the expansion service do the staging
>> made sense, and my first line was agreeing with that direction and
>> expanding on how it could be done (so this is really Max's idea or from
>> whomever he got the idea from).
> +1 to what Max said then :)
>> I believe a lot of the value of the expansion service is not having users
>> need to be aware of all the SDK specific dependencies when they are trying
>> to create a pipeline, only the "user" who is launching the expansion
>> service may need to. And in that case we can have a prepackaged expansion
>> service application that does what most users would want (e.g. expansion
>> service as a docker container, a single bundled jar, ...). We (the Apache
>> Beam community) could choose to host a default implementation of the
>> expansion service as well.
> I'm not against this. But I think this is a secondary more advanced
> use-case. For a Beam users that needs to use a Java transform that they
> already have in a Python pipeline, we should provide a way to allow
> starting up a expansion service (with dependencies needed for that) and
> running a pipeline that uses this external Java transform (with
> dependencies that are needed at runtime). Probably, it'll be enough to
> allow providing all dependencies when starting up the expansion service and
> allow expansion service to do the staging of jars are well. I don't see a
> need to include the list of jars in the ExpansionResponse sent to the
> Python SDK.
>> On Thu, Apr 18, 2019 at 2:02 PM Chamikara Jayalath <chamik...@google.com>
>> wrote:
>>> I think there are two kind of dependencies we have to consider.
>>> (1) Dependencies that are needed to expand the transform.
>>> These have to be provided when we start the expansion service so that
>>> available external transforms are correctly registered with the expansion
>>> service.
>>> (2) Dependencies that are not needed at expansion but may be needed at
>>> runtime.
>>> I think in both cases, users have to provide these dependencies either
>>> when expansion service is started or when a pipeline is being executed.
>>> Max, I'm not sure why expansion service will need to provide
>>> dependencies to the user since user will already be aware of these. Are you
>>> talking about a expansion service that is readily available that will be
>>> used by many Beam users ? I think such a (possibly long running) service
>>> will have to maintain a repository of transforms and should have mechanism
>>> for registering new transforms and discovering already registered
>>> transforms etc. I think there's more design work needed to make transform
>>> expansion service support such use-cases. Currently, I think allowing
>>> pipeline author to provide the jars when starting the expansion service and
>>> when executing the pipeline will be adequate.
>>> Regarding the entity that will perform the staging, I like Luke's idea
>>> of allowing expansion service to do the staging (of jars provided by the
>>> user). Notion of artifacts and how they are extracted/represented is SDK
>>> dependent. So if the pipeline SDK tries to do this we have to add n x (n
>>> -1) configurations (for n SDKs).
>>> - Cham
>>> On Thu, Apr 18, 2019 at 11:45 AM Lukasz Cwik <lc...@google.com> wrote:
>>>> We can expose the artifact staging endpoint and artifact token to allow
>>>> the expansion service to upload any resources its environment may need. For
>>>> example, the expansion service for the Beam Java SDK would be able to
>>>> upload jars.
>>>> In the "docker" environment, the Apache Beam Java SDK harness container
>>>> would fetch the relevant artifacts for itself and be able to execute the
>>>> pipeline. (Note that a docker environment could skip all this artifact
>>>> staging if the docker environment contained all necessary artifacts).
>>>> For the existing "external" environment, it should already come with
>>>> all the resources prepackaged wherever "external" points to. The "process"
>>>> based environment could choose to use the artifact staging service to fetch
>>>> those resources associated with its process or it could follow the same
>>>> pattern that "external" would do and already contain all the prepackaged
>>>> resources. Note that both "external" and "process" will require the
>>>> instance of the expansion service to be specialized for those environments
>>>> which is why the default should for the expansion service to be the
>>>> "docker" environment.
>>>> Note that a major reason for going with docker containers as the
>>>> environment that all runners should support is that containers provides a
>>>> solution for this exact issue. Both the "process" and "external"
>>>> environments are explicitly limiting and expanding their capabilities will
>>>> quickly have us building something like a docker container because we'll
>>>> quickly find ourselves solving the same problems that docker containers
>>>> provide (resources, file layout, permissions, ...)
>>>> On Thu, Apr 18, 2019 at 11:21 AM Maximilian Michels <m...@apache.org>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi everyone,
>>>>> We have previously merged support for configuring transforms across
>>>>> languages. Please see Cham's summary on the discussion [1]. There is
>>>>> also a design document [2].
>>>>> Subsequently, we've added wrappers for cross-language transforms to
>>>>> the
>>>>> Python SDK, i.e. GenerateSequence, ReadFromKafka, and there is a
>>>>> pending
>>>>> PR [1] for WriteToKafka. All of them utilize Java transforms via
>>>>> cross-language configuration.
>>>>> That is all pretty exciting :)
>>>>> We still have some issues to solve, one being how to stage artifact
>>>>> from
>>>>> a foreign environment. When we run external transforms which are part
>>>>> of
>>>>> Beam's core (e.g. GenerateSequence), we have them available in the SDK
>>>>> Harness. However, when they are not (e.g. KafkaIO) we need to stage
>>>>> the
>>>>> necessary files.
>>>>> For my PR [3] I've naively added ":beam-sdks-java-io-kafka" to the SDK
>>>>> Harness which caused dependency problems [4]. Those could be resolved
>>>>> but the bigger question is how to stage artifacts for external
>>>>> transforms programmatically?
>>>>> Heejong has solved this by adding a "--jar_package" option to the
>>>>> Python
>>>>> SDK to stage Java files [5]. I think that is a better solution than
>>>>> adding required Jars to the SDK Harness directly, but it is not very
>>>>> convenient for users.
>>>>> I've discussed this today with Thomas and we both figured that the
>>>>> expansion service needs to provide a list of required Jars with the
>>>>> ExpansionResponse it provides. It's not entirely clear, how we
>>>>> determine
>>>>> which artifacts are necessary for an external transform. We could just
>>>>> dump the entire classpath like we do in PipelineResources for Java
>>>>> pipelines. This provides many unneeded classes but would work.
>>>>> Do you think it makes sense for the expansion service to provide the
>>>>> artifacts? Perhaps you have a better idea how to resolve the staging
>>>>> problem in cross-language pipelines?
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Max
>>>>> [1]
>>>>> https://lists.apache.org/thread.html/b99ba8527422e31ec7bb7ad9dc3a6583551ea392ebdc5527b5fb4a67@%3Cdev.beam.apache.org%3E
>>>>> [2] https://s.apache.org/beam-cross-language-io
>>>>> [3] https://github.com/apache/beam/pull/8322#discussion_r276336748
>>>>> [4] Dependency graph for beam-runners-direct-java:
>>>>> beam-runners-direct-java -> sdks-java-harness ->
>>>>> beam-sdks-java-io-kafka
>>>>> -> beam-runners-direct-java ... the cycle continues
>>>>> Beam-runners-direct-java depends on sdks-java-harness due
>>>>> to the infamous Universal Local Runner. Beam-sdks-java-io-kafka
>>>>> depends
>>>>> on beam-runners-direct-java for running tests.
>>>>> [5] https://github.com/apache/beam/pull/8340

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