Hi Pablo,

The file structure at the moment is structured around the language.
* beam-kata/
* beam-kata/java/
* beam-kata/java/<idea-project>
* beam-kata/python/
* beam-kata/python/<pycharm-project>
Adding a new language in the future should be quite easy.

For students to use the kata, they actually don't need to checkout the 
We can create a course archive (zip file) that could be versioned and released 
on GitHub.
Another alternative is to release it on the Beam website.
The course archive zip can then be opened by the IDE to start the learning.

IntelliJ/PyCharm itself has integration with Stepik (https://stepik.org) which 
allows an easy way to start the learning.
The course will be downloaded from Stepik to the student's local workspace 
within seconds.
When I'm available, I will try to create a video to show how the kata looks 

On 2019/04/18 20:41:13, Pablo Estrada <pabl...@google.com> wrote: 
> Hi Henry!
> this seems quite nice! For my information, what does the file structure
> look like for something like this? Also, maybe it's not the intended way of
> introducing it, but perhaps, could you share a video showing how one would
> try out the first kata?
> Something that comes to mind for having this in Beam is having a
> `learning/katas/` subdirectory in the repository, with a README; and pehaps
> a section on the website for people to try this out.
> Another question that comes to mind: Is it possible to structure it so that
> katas for other languages can be added?
> Thoughts from others?
> Best
> -P.

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