Hi Kenn,

Thanks for your reply, and explained the design of WindowValue clearly!

At present, the definitions of `FnDataService` and `BeamFnDataClient` in
Data Plane are very clear and universal, such as: send(...)/receive(...).
If it is only applied in the project of Beam, it is already very good.
Because `WindowValue` is a very basic data structure in the Beam project,
both the Runner and the SDK harness have define the WindowedValue data

The reason I want to change the interface parameter from `WindowedValue<T>`
to T is because I want to make the `Data Plane` interface into a class
library that can be used by other projects (such as Apache Flink), so that
other projects Can have its own `FnDataService` implementation. However,
the definition of `WindowedValue` does not apply to all projects. For
example, Apache Flink also has a definition similar to WindowedValue. For
example, Apache Flink Stream has StreamRecord. If we change
`WindowedValue<T>` to T, then other project's implementation does not need
to wrap WindowedValue, the interface will become more concise.
Furthermore,  we only need one T, such as the Apache Flink DataSet operator.

So, I agree with your understanding, I don't expect `WindowedValueXXX<T>`
in the FnDataService interface, I hope to just use a `T`.

Have you seen some problem if we change the interface parameter from
`WindowedValue<T>` to T?


Kenneth Knowles <k...@apache.org> 于2019年4月20日周六 上午2:38写道:

> WindowedValue has always been an interface, not a concrete representation:
> https://github.com/apache/beam/blob/master/sdks/java/core/src/main/java/org/apache/beam/sdk/util/WindowedValue.java
> <https://github.com/apache/beam/blob/master/sdks/java/core/src/main/java/org/apache/beam/sdk/util/WindowedValue.java#L52>.
> It is an abstract class because we started in Java 7 where you could not
> have default methods, and just due to legacy style concerns. it is not just
> discussed, but implemented, that there are WindowedValue implementations
> with fewer allocations.
> At the coder level, it was also always intended to have multiple
> encodings. We already do have separate encodings based on whether there is
> 1 window or multiple windows. The coder for a particular kind of
> WindowedValue should decide this. Before the Fn API none of this had to be
> standardized, because the runner could just choose whatever it wants. Now
> we have to standardize any encodings that runners and harnesses both need
> to know. There should be many, and adding more should be just a matter of
> standardization, no new design.
> None of this should be user-facing or in the runner API / pipeline graph -
> that is critical to making it flexible on the backend between the runner &
> SDK harness.
> If I understand it, from our offline discussion, you are interested in the
> case where you issue a ProcessBundleRequest to the SDK harness and none of
> the primitives in the subgraph will ever observe the metadata. So you want
> to not even have a tiny
> "WindowedValueWithNoMetadata". Is that accurate?
> Kenn
> On Fri, Apr 19, 2019 at 10:17 AM jincheng sun <sunjincheng...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Thank you! And have a nice weekend!
>> Lukasz Cwik <lc...@google.com> 于2019年4月20日周六 上午1:14写道:
>>> I have added you as a contributor.
>>> On Fri, Apr 19, 2019 at 9:56 AM jincheng sun <sunjincheng...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Lukasz,
>>>> Thanks for your affirmation and provide more contextual information. :)
>>>> Would you please give me the contributor permission?  My JIRA ID is
>>>> sunjincheng121.
>>>> I would like to create/assign tickets for this work.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Jincheng
>>>> Lukasz Cwik <lc...@google.com> 于2019年4月20日周六 上午12:26写道:
>>>>> Since I don't think this is a contentious change.
>>>>> On Fri, Apr 19, 2019 at 9:25 AM Lukasz Cwik <lc...@google.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Yes, using T makes sense.
>>>>>> The WindowedValue was meant to be a context object in the SDK harness
>>>>>> that propagates various information about the current element. We have
>>>>>> discussed in the past about:
>>>>>> * making optimizations which would pass around less of the context
>>>>>> information if we know that the DoFns don't need it (for example, all the
>>>>>> values share the same window).
>>>>>> * versioning the encoding separately from the WindowedValue context
>>>>>> object (see recent discussion about element timestamp precision [1])
>>>>>> * the runner may want its own representation of a context object that
>>>>>> makes sense for it which isn't a WindowedValue necessarily.
>>>>>> Feel free to cut a JIRA about this and start working on a change
>>>>>> towards this.
>>>>>> 1:
>>>>>> https://lists.apache.org/thread.html/221b06e81bba335d0ea8d770212cc7ee047dba65bec7978368a51473@%3Cdev.beam.apache.org%3E
>>>>>> On Fri, Apr 19, 2019 at 3:18 AM jincheng sun <
>>>>>> sunjincheng...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Beam devs,
>>>>>>> I read some of the docs about `Communicating over the Fn API` in
>>>>>>> Beam. I feel that Beam has a very good design for Control Plane/Data
>>>>>>> Plane/State Plane/Logging services, and it is described in <How to send 
>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>> receive data> document. When communicating between Runner and SDK 
>>>>>>> Harness,
>>>>>>> the DataPlane API will be WindowedValue(An immutable triple of value,
>>>>>>> timestamp, and windows.) As a contract object between Runner and SDK
>>>>>>> Harness. I see the interface definitions for sending and receiving data 
>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>> the code as follows:
>>>>>>> - org.apache.beam.runners.fnexecution.data.FnDataService
>>>>>>> public interface FnDataService {
>>>>>>>>   <T> InboundDataClient receive(LogicalEndpoint inputLocation,
>>>>>>>> Coder<WindowedValue<T>> coder, FnDataReceiver<WindowedValue<T>> 
>>>>>>>> listener);
>>>>>>>>   <T> CloseableFnDataReceiver<WindowedValue<T>> send(
>>>>>>>>       LogicalEndpoint outputLocation, Coder<WindowedValue<T>>
>>>>>>>> coder);
>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>> - org.apache.beam.fn.harness.data.BeamFnDataClient
>>>>>>> public interface BeamFnDataClient {
>>>>>>>>   <T> InboundDataClient receive(ApiServiceDescriptor
>>>>>>>> apiServiceDescriptor, LogicalEndpoint inputLocation,
>>>>>>>> Coder<WindowedValue<T>> coder, FnDataReceiver<WindowedValue<T>> 
>>>>>>>> receiver);
>>>>>>>>   <T> CloseableFnDataReceiver<WindowedValue<T>>
>>>>>>>> send(BeamFnDataGrpcClient Endpoints.ApiServiceDescriptor
>>>>>>>> apiServiceDescriptor, LogicalEndpoint outputLocation,
>>>>>>>> Coder<WindowedValue<T>> coder);
>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>> Both `Coder<WindowedValue<T>>` and
>>>>>>> `FnDataReceiver<WindowedValue<T>>` use `WindowedValue` as the data
>>>>>>> structure that both sides of Runner and SDK Harness know each other.
>>>>>>> Control Plane/Data Plane/State Plane/Logging is a highly abstraction, 
>>>>>>> such
>>>>>>> as Control Plane and Logging, these are common requirements for all
>>>>>>> multi-language platforms. For example, the Flink community is also
>>>>>>> discussing how to support Python UDF, as well as how to deal with docker
>>>>>>> environment. how to data transfer, how to state access, how to logging 
>>>>>>> etc.
>>>>>>> If Beam can further abstract these service interfaces, i.e., interface
>>>>>>> definitions are compatible with multiple engines, and finally provided 
>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>> other projects in the form of class libraries, it definitely will help
>>>>>>> other platforms that want to support multiple languages. So could beam 
>>>>>>> can
>>>>>>> further abstract the interface definition of FnDataService's
>>>>>>> BeamFnDataClient? Here I am to throw out a minnow to catch a whale, take
>>>>>>> the FnDataService#receive interface as an example, and turn
>>>>>>> `WindowedValue<T>` into `T` so that other platforms can be extended
>>>>>>> arbitrarily, as follows:
>>>>>>> <T> InboundDataClient receive(LogicalEndpoint inputLocation,
>>>>>>> Coder<T> coder, FnDataReceiver<T>> listener);
>>>>>>> What do you think?
>>>>>>> Feel free to correct me if there any incorrect understanding. And
>>>>>>> welcome any feedback!
>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>> Jincheng

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