Thank you for answers, Lukasz. 

> On 21 Jun 2019, at 18:15, Lukasz Cwik <> wrote:
> Does Beam guarantee where (at “driver” or at "worker” of backend system) 
> "PTransform.expand()” of provided transform will be called?  
> No. There are usecases where the driver is run in the "cloud" such as 
> template generation and also during cross language pipeline expansion. At 
> some point in time when I was investigating loops within Beam, one possible 
> solution would have been to call expand() in the "worker" whenever a new loop 
> iteration needed to be generated.

Offtopic: what was a resolution about loops support? Is there any public doc 
about that to read?

> Does Beam guarantee how many times it could be happened? 
> It should happen once per transform instance but why is it important?

This question was triggered by one issue in KinesisIO [1] where we did quite 
expensive check that stream exists in Write.expand() (calling backend Kinesis 
for that) and, according to issue reporter, it was called several times, though 
I always believed that it should be called only once. So, that puzzled me and I 
came to these questions. 


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