> Are there features in Perfkit that we would like to be using that we
> aren't?

Besides the Kubernetes related code I mentioned above (that, I believe, can
be easily replaced) I don't see any added value in having Perfkit. The
Kubernetes parts could be replaced with a set of fine-grained Gradle tasks
invoked by other high-level tasks and Jenkins job's steps. There also seem
to be some Gradle + Kubernetes plugins out there that might prove useful
here (no solid research in that area).

> Can we make the integration with Perfkit less brittle?

There was an idea to move all beam benchmark's code from Perfkit (
, beam_integration_benchmark.py
to beam repository and inject it to Perfkit every time we use it. However,
that would require investing time and effort in doing that and it will
still not solve the problems I listed above. It will also still require
knowledge of how Perfkit works from Beam developers while we can avoid that
and use the existing tools (gradle, jenkins).


pt., 28 cze 2019 o 17:31 Lukasz Cwik <lc...@google.com> napisał(a):

> +1 for removing tests that are not maintained.
> Are there features in Perfkit that we would like to be using that we
> aren't?
> Can we make the integration with Perfkit less brittle?
> If we aren't getting much and don't plan to get much value in the short
> term, removal makes sense to me.
> On Thu, Jun 27, 2019 at 3:16 AM Łukasz Gajowy <lgaj...@apache.org> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> moving the discussion to the dev list:
>> https://github.com/apache/beam/pull/8919. I think that Perfkit
>> Benchmarker should be removed from all our tests.
>> Problems that we face currently:
>>    1. Changes to Gradle tasks/build configuration in the Beam codebase
>>    have to be reflected in Perfkit code. This required PRs to Perfkit which
>>    can last and the tests break due to this sometimes (no change in Perfkit +
>>    change already there in beam = incompatibility). This is what happened in
>>    PR 8919 (above),
>>    2. Can't run in Python3 (depends on python 2 only library like
>>    functools32),
>>    3. Black box testing which hard to collect pipeline related metrics,
>>    4. Measurement of run time is inaccurate,
>>    5. It offers relatively small elasticity in comparison with eg.
>>    Jenkins tasks in terms of setting up the testing infrastructure (runners,
>>    databases). For example, if we'd like to setup Flink runner, and reuse it
>>    in consequent tests in one go, that would be impossible. We can easily do
>>    this in Jenkins.
>> Tests that use Perfkit:
>>    1.  IO integration tests,
>>    2.  Python performance tests,
>>    3.  beam_PerformanceTests_Dataflow (disabled),
>>    4.  beam_PerformanceTests_Spark (failing constantly - looks not
>>    maintained).
>> From the IOIT perspective (1), only the code that setups/tears down
>> Kubernetes resources is useful right now but these parts can be easily
>> implemented in Jenkins/Gradle code. That would make Perfkit obsolete in
>> IOIT because we already collect metrics using Metrics API and store them in
>> BigQuery directly.
>> As for point 2: I have no knowledge of how complex the task would be
>> (help needed).
>> Regarding 3, 4: Those tests seem to be not maintained - should we remove
>> them?
>> Opinions?
>> Thank you,
>> Łukasz

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