Top posting just to address the vendoring question. We didn't have
vendoring of gRPC until very recently. I think all rationale about keeping
it off the SDK surface are obsolete now. It will probably unlock a lot of
simplification to just go for it and use gRPC in the core SDK. Notably,
runners-core-construction-java is separate for only this reason, and it is
a pretty confusing distinction* to get right sometimes. But I could be
missing another pitfall. For example we wouldn't just undo all the API
decisions in runners-core-construction-java, because we still want to
isolate the user from gRPC when it is not relevant to them, and we also
want transform authors to be able to register payload translators.


 * sdks-java-core versus runners-core-construction-java is all
construction-time bits and you have to think about whether it is
user-facing or runner-facing / whether it depends on proto
 * runners-core-construction-java versus runners-core-java is all
runner/harness-facing but you have to think about whether it is
construction-time or run-time

On Thu, Jul 25, 2019 at 9:45 AM Ismaël Mejía <> wrote:

> It seems we mostly agree that this is a ‘core’ feature, and it already
> is at least in the other SDKs (python and go). So if its place is in
> sdks/java/core then the correct path might be #1.
> Robert where did the discussion about merging transform translation
> happened (I probably missed it) because that could be an extra point
> to decide to do this.
> I thought that gRPC leaked more stuff so that's better than I expected
> and vendoring helps with possible versions conflicts. Bad part is it
> is still 14MB so this is more stuff to stage and bigger fat jars for
> deployments in the open source runners. Not to mention the potential
> repeated versions that could arise from runner repackaging (as we
> lived with guava in the past).
> The other thing I feel weird about is that this feels a bit like
> mixing the execution part with the definition part that is something
> that I really appreciated of the current sdks/java/core separation, at
> least in Java.
> Is there a way just to include just the generated clients for an gRPC
> service and not the full gRPC stuff (side not I am an gRPC newbie
> still)? That could make it at least a bit more constrained (even if
> still mixing runtime with definition).
> On Thu, Jul 25, 2019 at 10:20 AM Robert Bradshaw <>
> wrote:
> >
> > From the portability perspective,
> >
> > and the associated services for executing pipelines is about as "core"
> > as it gets, and eventually I'd like to see all runners being portable
> > (even if they have an option of running user code in process rather
> > than in separate docker images) and the API between SDKs and Runners
> > would be these beam model protos rather than some parallel set of Java
> > classes. This would argue for #1. (There was also some discussion
> > recently about merging the transform translation into core as well, as
> > the current structure of keeping it separate introduces a lot of extra
> > hoops and makes it difficult to define user-level transforms that have
> > proper translation, which is along the same lines.)
> >
> > I'm not quite sure I follow the downsides of leaking the vendored
> > classes into the users classpath--isn't the point of vendoring to make
> > such exposure benign (and as you'd almost always be linking in a
> > runner, you'd get this anyway).
> >
> > Finally, from a simple user's API perspective, having
> > ExternalTransform in core makes a lot of sense and it'd be unfortunate
> > to contort the API for underlying technical reasons if it can be
> > avoided.
> >
> > On Wed, Jul 24, 2019 at 9:18 PM Heejong Lee <> wrote:
> > >
> > > I think it depends how we define "the core" part of the SDK. If we
> define the core as only the (abstract) data types which describe BEAM
> pipeline model then it would be more sensible to put external transform
> into a separate extension module (option 4). Otherwise, option 1 makes
> sense.
> > >
> > > On Wed, Jul 24, 2019 at 11:56 AM Chamikara Jayalath <
>> wrote:
> > >>
> > >> The idea of 'ExternalTransform' is to allow users to use transforms
> in SDK X from SDK Y. I think this should be a core part of each SDK and
> corresponding external transforms ([a] for Java, [b] for Python) should be
> released with each SDK. This will also allow us to add core external
> transforms to some of the critical transforms that are not available in
> certain SDKs. So I prefer option (1).
> > >>
> > >> Rebo, I didn't realize there's an external transform in Go SDK.
> Looking at it, seems like it's more of an interface for native transforms
> implemented in each runner, not for cross-language use-cases. Is that
> correct ? May be we can reuse it for latter as well.
> > >>
> > >> Thanks,
> > >> Cham
> > >>
> > >> [a]
> > >> [b]
> > >>
> > >> On Wed, Jul 24, 2019 at 10:25 AM Robert Burke <>
> wrote:
> > >>>
> > >>> Ideas inline.
> > >>>
> > >>> On Wed, Jul 24, 2019, 9:56 AM Ismaël Mejía <>
> wrote:
> > >>>>
> > >>>> After Beam Summit EU I was curious about the External transform. I
> was
> > >>>> interested on the scenario of using it to call python code in the
> > >>>> middle of a Java pipeline. This is a potentially useful scenario for
> > >>>> example to evaluate models from python ML frameworks on Java
> > >>>> pipelines. In my example I did a transform to classify elements in a
> > >>>> simple Python ParDo and tried to connect it via the Java External
> > >>>> transform.
> > >>>>
> > >>>> I found that the ExternalTransform code was added into
> > >>>> `runners/core-construction-java` as part of BEAM-6747 [1]. However
> > >>>> this code is not exposed currently as part of the Beam Java SDK, so
> > >>>> end users won’t be able to find it easily. I found this weird and
> > >>>> thought well it will be as simple as to move it into the Java SDK
> and
> > >>>> voila!
> > >>>>
> > >>>> But of course this could not be so easy because this transform calls
> > >>>> the Expansion service via gRPC and Java SDK does not have (and
> > >>>> probably should not have) gRPC in its dependencies.
> > >>>> So my second reflex was to add it into Java SDK and translate it a
> > >>>> generic expansion all the runners, but this may not make sense
> because
> > >>>> the External transform is not part of the runner translation since
> > >>>> this is part of the Pipeline construction process (as pointed to me
> by
> > >>>> Max in a slack discussion).
> > >>>>
> > >>>> So the question is: How do you think this should be exposed to the
> end users?
> > >>>>
> > >>>> 1. Should we add gRPC with all its deps to SDKs Java core? (this of
> > >>>> course it is not nice because we will leak our vendored gRPC and
> > >>>> friends into users classpath).
> > >>>
> > >>> If there's separation between the SDK and the Harness then this
> makes sense. Otherwise the portable harness depends on GRPC at present,
> doesn't it? Presently the Go SDK kicks off the harness, and then carries
> the GRPC dependency (Though that's separable if necessary.)
> > >>>>
> > >>>> 2. Should we do the dynamic loading of classes only an runtime if
> the
> > >>>> transform is used to avoid the big extra compile dependency (and add
> > >>>> runners/core-construction-java) as a runtime dependency.
> > >>>> 3. Should we create a ‘shim’ module to hide the gRPC dependency and
> > >>>> load the gRPC classes dynamically on it when the External transform
> is
> > >>>> part of the pipeline.
> > >>>> 4. Should we pack it as an extension (with the same issue of needing
> > >>>> to leak the dependencies, but with less impact for users who do not
> > >>>> use External) ?
> > >>>> 5. Other?
> > >>>>
> > >>>> The ‘purist’ me thinks we should have External in sdks/java/core but
> > >>>> maybe it is better not to. Any other opinions or ideas?
> > >>>
> > >>>
> > >>> The Go SDK supports External in it's core transforms set  However it
> would be the callers are able to populate the data field however they need
> to, whether that's some "known" configuration object or something sourced
> from another service (eg the expansion service). The important part on the
> other side is that the runner knows what to do with it.
> > >>>
> > >>> The non-portable pubsubio in the Go SDK is an example [1] using
> External currently. The Dataflow runner recognizes it, and makes the
> substitution. Eventually once the SDK supports SDF that can generate
> unbounded PCollections, this will likely be replaced with that kind of
> implementation, and the the existing "External" version will be moved to
> part of the Go SDKs Dataflow runner package.
> > >>>
> > >>>
> > >>> [1]
> > >>>>
> > >>>>
> > >>>> Thanks,
> > >>>> Ismaël
> > >>>>
> > >>>> [1]

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