You can download it here:
and run it instead of using the wrapper.

$ cd
$ unzip Downloads/
$ cd ~/src/beam
$ ~/gradle-5.5.1/bin/gradle lint

On Thu, Aug 8, 2019 at 10:52 AM Chad Dombrova <> wrote:

> This topic came up in another thread, so I wanted to highlight a few
> things that we've discovered in our endeavors to build Beam behind a
> firewall.
> Conceptually, in order to allow this, a user needs to provide alternate
> mirrors for each "artifact" service required during build, and luckily I
> think most of the toolchains used by Beam support this. For example, the
> default PyPI mirror used by pip can be overridden via env var to an
> internal mirror, and likewise for docker and its registry service.  I'm
> currently looking into gogradle to see if we can provide an alternate
> vendor directory as a shared resource behind our firewall. (I have a bigger
> question here, which is why was it necessary to add a third language into
> the python Beam ecosystem, just for the bootstrap process?  Couldn't the
> boot code use python, or java?)
> But I'm getting ahead of myself.  We're actually stuck at the very
> beginning, with gradlew.  The gradlew wrapper seems to unconditionally
> download gradle, so you can't get past the first few hundred lines of code
> in the build process without requiring internet access.  I made a ticket
> here:  I'd love some
> pointers on how to fix this, because the offending code lives inside
> gradle-wrapper.jar, so I can't change it without access to the source.
> thanks,
> -chad

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