Oh, and one more thing, I think it'd make sense for Apache Beam to
sign https://python3statement.org/. The promise is that we'd
discontinue Python 2 support *in* 2020, which is not committing us to
January if we're not ready. Worth a vote?

On Thu, Sep 19, 2019 at 3:58 PM Robert Bradshaw <rober...@google.com> wrote:
> Exactly how long we support Python 2 depends on our users. Other than
> those that speak up (such as yourself, thanks!), it's hard to get a
> handle on how many need Python 2 and for how long. (Should we send out
> a survey? Maybe after some experience with 2.16?)
> On the one hand, the whole ecosystem is finally moving on, and even if
> Beam continues to support Python 2 our dependencies, or other projects
> that are being used in conjunction with Beam, will also be going
> Python 3 only. On the other hand, Beam is, admittedly, quite late to
> the party and could be the one holding people back, and looking at how
> long it took us, if we just barely make it by the end of the year it's
> unreasonable to say at that point "oh, and we're dropping 2.7 at the
> same time."
> The good news is that 2.16 is shaping up to be a release I would
> recommend everyone migrate to Python 3 on. The remaining issues are
> things like some issues with main sessions (which already has issues
> in Python 2) and not supporting keyword-only arguments (a new feature,
> not a regression). I would guess that even 2.15 is already good enough
> for most people, at least to kick the tires and running tests to start
> the effort.
> (I also agree with the sentiment that once we go 3.x only, it'll be
> likely harder to maintain a 2.x LTS... but the whole LTS thing is
> being discussed in another thread.)
> On Thu, Sep 19, 2019 at 2:44 PM Chad Dombrova <chad...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > Hi all,
> > I had a read through this thread in the archives. It occurred before I 
> > joined the mailing list, so I hope that this email connects up with the 
> > thread properly for everyone.
> >
> > I'd like to respond to the following points:
> >
> >> I believe we are referring to two separate things with support:
> >> - Supporting existing releases for patches - I agree that we need to give
> >> users a long enough window to upgrade. Great if it happens with an LTS
> >> release. Even if it does not, I think it will be fair to offer patches on
> >> the last python 2 supporting release during some part of 2020 if that
> >> becomes necessary.
> >> - Making new releases with python 2 support - Each new Beam release with
> >> python 2 support will implicitly extend the lifetime of beam's python 2
> >> support. I do not think we need to extend this to beyond 2019. 2 releases
> >> (~ 3 months) after solid python 3 support will very likely put the last
> >> python 2 supporting release to last quarter of 2019 already.
> >
> >
> > With so many important features still under active development 
> > (portability, expansion, external IO transforms, schema coders) and new 
> > versions of executors tied to the Beam source, staying behind is not really 
> > an option for many of us, and with python3 support not yet fully completed, 
> > the window in which Beam is fully working for both python versions is 
> > rapidly approaching 2 months, and could ultimately be even less, depending 
> > on how long it takes to complete the dozen remaining issues in Jira, and 
> > whatever pops up thereafter.
> >
> >> The cost of maintaining Python 2.7 support is higher than 0. Some issues
> >> that come to mind:
> >> - Maintaining Py2.7 / Py 3+ compatibility of Beam codebase makes it
> >> difficult to use Python 3 syntax in Beam which may be necessary to support
> >> and test syntactic constructs introduced in Python 3.
> >> - Running additional test suites increases the load on test infrastructure
> >> and increases flakiness.
> >
> >
> > I would argue that the cost of maintaining a python2-only LTS version will 
> > be far greater than maintaining python2 support for a little while longer.  
> > Dropping support for python2 could mean a number of things from simply 
> > disabling the python2 tests, to removing 2-to-3 idioms in favor of 
> > python3-only constructs.  If what you have in mind is anything like the 
> > latter then the master branch will become quite divergent from the LTS 
> > release, and backporting changes will be not be as simple as cherry-picking 
> > commits.  All-in-all, I think it's a lose/lose for everyone -- users and 
> > developers, of which I am both -- to drop python2 support on such a short 
> > timeline.
> >
> > I'm an active contributor to this project and it will put me and the 
> > company that I work for in a very bad position if you force us onto an LTS 
> > release in early 2020.  I understand the appeal of moving to python3-only 
> > code and I want to get there too, but I would hope that you give your users 
> > are much time to transition their own code as the Beam project itself has 
> > taken.  I'm not asking for a full 12 months to transition, but more than a 
> > couple will be required.
> >
> > thanks,
> > -chad
> >
> >
> >
> >

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