
What exactly are you trying to do? If you're looking for a way to provide
pipeline options to the MongoDBIOIT, you can pass them via command line
like this:

./gradlew integrationTest -p sdks/java/io/mongodb

* -DintegrationTestPipelineOptions='[   "--mongoDBHostName=",
 "--mongoDBPort=27017",   "--mongoDBDatabaseName=mypass",
 "--numberOfRecords=1000" ]'*
   --tests org.apache.beam.sdk.io.mongodb.MongoDbIOIT

Gradle tasks created with `enableJavaPerformanceTesting()` will allow such
options to be passed.

If you're trying to do something else, please let me know.


On Thu, Nov 7, 2019 at 1:44 AM Kirill Kozlov <kirillkoz...@google.com>

> Hi everyone!
> I am trying to test MongoDb Sql Table, but not quite sure how to pass
> pipeline options with the hostName, port, and databaseName used by Jenkins.
> It looks like the integration test for MongoDbIO Connector obtain those
> values from the
> 'beam/.test-infra/jenkins/job_PerformanceTests_MongoDBIO_IT.groovy' file
> via calling the following methods in the 'gradle.build' file:
> provideIntegrationTestingDependencies()
> enableJavaPerformanceTesting()
> Sql build file already has a task with the name 'integrationTest' defined
> and does not let us do `enableJavaPerformanceTesting()`.
>  I would really appreciate if someone could provide me with a couple of
> pointers on getting this to work.
> -
> Kirill


Michał Walenia
Polidea <https://www.polidea.com/> | Software Engineer

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E: michal.wale...@polidea.com

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