] Beaver
[ ] Hedgehog
[ x] Lemur
[x ] Owl
[ ] Salmon
[ ] Trout
[ ] Robot dinosaur
[x ] Firefly
[ ] Cuttlefish
[ ] Dumbo Octopus
[ ] Angler fish

On Tue, Nov 19, 2019 at 6:43 PM Kenneth Knowles <k...@apache.org> wrote:

> Please cast your votes of approval [1] for animals you would support as
> Beam mascot. The animal with the most approval will be identified as the
> favorite.
> *** Vote for as many as you like, using this checklist as a template ****
> [ ] Beaver
> [ ] Hedgehog
> [ ] Lemur
> [ ] Owl
> [ ] Salmon
> [ ] Trout
> [ ] Robot dinosaur
> [ ] Firefly
> [ ] Cuttlefish
> [ ] Dumbo Octopus
> [ ] Angler fish
> This vote will remain open for at least 72 hours.
> Kenn
> [1] See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Approval_voting#Description and
> https://www.electionscience.org/library/approval-voting/

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