Thanks for sharing, Ning!
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On Wed, Dec 4, 2019 at 11:14 AM Ning Kang <> wrote:

> *If you are not an Interactive Beam user, you can ignore this email.*
> Hi everyone,
> Recently, we've been actively developing on top of the existing
> InteractiveRunner for more Interactive Beam features
> <>
> .
> One of the things we've changed is what PCollections will be cached and
> available for *get_result(pcoll)*.
> If your unit tests or code depend on executing a pipeline with the
> InteractiveRunner and check data of the PCollection through
> *get_result(pcoll)*, those code might run into an error saying "raise
> ValueError('PCollection not available, please run the pipeline.')".
> This is because now Interactive Beam automatically figures out what
> PCollections have been assigned to variables in the user-defined pipelines
> in your code/test/notebooks by looking at a "watched" scope of variable
> definitions.
> By default everything defined in "__main__" is watched.
> So if you've defined a pipeline in a local scope such as a function,
> Interactive Beam will not be able to "watch" it and then cache data for
> those PCollections.
> There is only one line change needed to fix the usage: watch your local
> scope.
> Something like,
> from apache_beam.runners.interactive import interactive_beam
> ...
> def some_func(...):
>     p = beam.Pipeline(InteractiveRunner())
>     pcoll = p | 'SomeTransform' >> SomeTransform()
>     ...
>     result =
>     ...
> ...
> Thanks for using Interactive Beam!
> Ning.

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