On Thu, Dec 5, 2019 at 12:36 PM Valentyn Tymofieiev <valen...@google.com>

Ah nice, so then the workflow would be: download [missing] deps from pypi
> into a long-lived cache directory, then download copy the same deps into
> a short-lived temporary directory, using  long-lived cache directory as
> SoT, then stage files from a short-lived temporary directory and clean it
> up. Is that what you are suggesting, Chad?
Yes, I just did a quick test to confirm:

# download or build wheels of anything that's missing from the cache
# note: we're including gcp extras:
pip wheel apache_beam[gcp]==2.16 --wheel-dir /tmp/wheel-cache
# copy some of those wheels somewhere else
# note: we're excluding gcp extras
pip download apache_beam==2.16 --no-binary
--find-links=/tmp/wheel-cache --dest /tmp/wheel-dest/
# rerun to confirm that cached wheels are being re-used instead of
downloaded from pypi
pip wheel apache_beam[gcp]==2.16 --wheel-dir /tmp/wheel-cache

/tmp/wheel-dest/ will now have a subset of the deps from /tmp/wheel-cache,
excluding the gcp extras.

Note that for some reason the equal sign after —find-links is required, at
least for me on pip 19.1.1. Using a space resulted in an error.


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