There is a very good reason not to define lateness directly in terms of the
watermark. The model does not make any guarantees that the watermark
advances synchronously, and in fact for the Dataflow runner the watermark
advances asynchronously (i.e. independent of element processing). This
means that simply comparing an element timestamp against the watermark
creates a race condition. There are cases where the answer could change
depending on exactly when you examine the watermark, and if you examine
again while processing the same bundle you might come to a different
conclusion about lateness.

This non determinism is undesirable when considering lateness, as it can
break many invariants that users may rely on (e.g. if I could write a ParDo
that filtered all late data, yet still find late data showing up downstream
of the ParDo which would be very surprising). For that reason, the SDK
always marks things as late based on deterministic signals. e.g. for a
triggered GBK everything in the first post-watermark pane is marked as on
time (no matter what the watermark is) and everything in subsequent panes
is marked as late.

FYI - this is also the reason why Beam does not currently provide users
direct access to the watermark. The asynchronous nature of it  can be very
confusing, and often results in users writing bugs in their pipelines. We
decided instead to expose easier-to-reason-about signals such as timers
(triggered by the watermark), windows, and lateness.


On Sat, Jan 4, 2020 at 1:15 AM Jan Lukavský <> wrote:

> I realized the problem. I misinterpreted the LateDataDroppingDoFnRunner.
> It doesn't drop *all* late (arriving after watermark - allowed lateness)
> data, but only data, that arrive after maxTimestamp + allowedLateness of
> their respective windows.
> Stateful DoFn can run on global window (which was the case of my tests)
> and there is no dropping then.
> Two questions arise then:
>  a) does it mean that this is one more argument to move this logic to
> StatefulDoFnRunner? StatefulDoFnRunner performs state cleanup on window GC
> time, so without LateDataDroppingDoFnRunner and late data will see empty
> state and will produce wrong results.
>  b) is this behavior generally intentional and correct? Windows and
> triggers are (in my point of view) features of GBK, not stateful DoFn.
> Stateful DoFn is a low level primitive, which can be viewed to operate on
> "instant" windows, which should then probably be defined as dropping every
> single element arrive after allowed lateness. This might probably relate to
> question if operations should be built bottom up from most primitive and
> generic ones to more specific ones - that is GBK be implemented on top of
> stateful DoFn and not vice versa.
> Thoughts?
> Jan
> On 1/4/20 1:03 AM, Steve Niemitz wrote:
> I do agree that the direct runner doesn't drop late data arriving at a
> stateful DoFn (I just tested as well).
> However, I believe this is consistent with other runners.  I'm fairly
> certain (at least last time I checked) that at least Dataflow will also
> only drop late data at GBK operations, and NOT stateful DoFns.  Whether or
> not this is intentional is debatable however, without being able to inspect
> the watermark inside the stateful DoFn, it'd be very difficult to do
> anything useful with late data.
> On Fri, Jan 3, 2020 at 5:47 PM Jan Lukavský <> wrote:
>> I did write a test that tested if data is dropped in a plain stateful
>> DoFn. I did this as part of validating that PR [1] didn't drop more data
>> when using @RequiresTimeSortedInput than it would without this annotation.
>> This test failed and I didn't commit it, yet.
>> The test was basically as follows:
>>  - use TestStream to generate three elements with timestamps 2, 1 and 0
>>  - between elements with timestamp 1 and 0 move watermark to 1
>>  - use allowed lateness of zero
>>  - use stateful dofn that just emits arbitrary data for each input element
>>  - use Count.globally to count outputs
>> The outcome was that stateful dofn using @RequiresTimeSortedInput output
>> 2 elements, without the annotation it was 3 elements. I think the correct
>> one would be 2 elements in this case. The difference is caused by the
>> annotation having (currently) its own logic for dropping data, which could
>> be removed if we agree, that the data should be dropped in all cases.
>> On 1/3/20 11:23 PM, Kenneth Knowles wrote:
>> Did you write such a @Category(ValidatesRunner.class) test? I believe the
>> Java  direct runner does drop late data, for both GBK and stateful ParDo.
>> Stateful ParDo is implemented on top of GBK:
>> And GroupByKey, via DirectGroupByKey, via DirectGroupAlsoByWindow, does
>> drop late data:
>> I'm not sure why it has its own code, since ReduceFnRunner also drops
>> late data, and it does use ReduceFnRunner (the same code path all
>> Java-based runners use).
>> Kenn
>> On Fri, Jan 3, 2020 at 1:02 PM Jan Lukavský <> wrote:
>>> Yes, the non-reliability of late data dropping in distributed runner is
>>> understood. But this is even where DirectRunner can play its role, because
>>> only there it is actually possible to emulate and test specific watermark
>>> conditions. Question regarding this for the java DirectRunner - should we
>>> completely drop LataDataDroppingDoFnRunner and delegate the late data
>>> dropping to StatefulDoFnRunner? Seems logical to me, as if we agree that
>>> late data should always be dropped, then there would no "valid" use of
>>> StatefulDoFnRunner without the late data dropping functionality.
>>> On 1/3/20 9:32 PM, Robert Bradshaw wrote:
>>> I agree, in fact we just recently enabled late data dropping to the
>>> direct runner in Python to be able to develop better tests for Dataflow.
>>> It should be noted, however, that in a distributed runner (absent the
>>> quiessence of TestStream) that one can't *count* on late data being dropped
>>> at a certain point, and in fact (due to delays in fully propagating the
>>> watermark) late data can even become on-time, so the promises about what
>>> happens behind the watermark are necessarily a bit loose.
>>> On Fri, Jan 3, 2020 at 9:15 AM Luke Cwik <> wrote:
>>>> I agree that the DirectRunner should drop late data. Late data dropping
>>>> is optional but the DirectRunner is used by many for testing and we should
>>>> have the same behaviour they would get on other runners or users may be
>>>> surprised.
>>>> On Fri, Jan 3, 2020 at 3:33 AM Jan Lukavský <> wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> I just found out that DirectRunner is apparently not using
>>>>> LateDataDroppingDoFnRunner, which means that it doesn't drop late data
>>>>> in cases where there is no GBK operation involved (dropping in GBK
>>>>> seems
>>>>> to be correct). There is apparently no @Category(ValidatesRunner) test
>>>>> for that behavior (because DirectRunner would fail it), so the
>>>>> question
>>>>> is - should late data dropping be considered part of model (of which
>>>>> DirectRunner should be a canonical implementation) and therefore that
>>>>> should be fixed there, or is the late data dropping an optional
>>>>> feature
>>>>> of a runner?
>>>>> I'm strongly in favor of the first option, and I think it is likely
>>>>> that
>>>>> all real-world runners would probably adhere to that (I didn't check
>>>>> that, though).
>>>>> Opinions?
>>>>>   Jan

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