Removing private@, and adding dev@.

ASF Infra has provisioned a new Jenkins master that we'll be able to use
with more independence. Now we can start by testing a couple workers on it,
and eventually moving all of our workers.

Is anyone available to engage with Gavin in moving this forward?

On Mon, Jan 20, 2020 at 1:12 AM Gavin McDonald <> wrote:

> Hi Beam PMC.
> A new Jenkins Master (connected to a Cloudbees Core Operations Center) has
> been
> created for your projects use. [1]
> It is ready to go, but needs your Beam nodes moving over from the current
> Jenkins instance.
> I'd like to move 1 or 2, let you guys test, and then on approval, move the
> rest.
> It looks like you are currently using JNLP to connect?
> I much prefer static IP and to connect via secure and more reliable SSH
> connection, would this be possible?
> Please pick 1 or two nodes to migrate over, or provide two new nodes , to
> connect to your
> new master.
> Web access is via LDAP, and only Beam PMC/Committers have access to create
> jobs.
> Enjoy!
> I am not subscribed to your private list, so please ensure I am included
> in any reply, thanks.
> Gav... (ASF Infra.)
> [1] -

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