For Firefox users:

You can replicate the same behavior but it requires a bit more work:

Firefox uses a format called OpenSearch so you have to generate an
installable XML via this page.

the search name: Beam Issues
the front search term:
Click then on Make search plugin to generate an URL:
then you open the URL and click on `Opensearch plug-in Beam Issues` to
install it

Now you configure the keyword on Firefox preferences

Preferences > Search on the left panel.
Scroll down to One-Click Search Engines.
Double-click on the Keyword column for the search engine you want to assign
a shortcut to.
Enter @ followed by your search shortcut keyword. For example: @beam

Another user URL (to search on github open PRs):


ps. This is so useful that probably is worth to put in cwiki, create the
page Udi and I will add the Firefox section if you agree.

On Fri, Aug 31, 2018 at 2:31 AM Udi Meiri <> wrote:

> Correction: this is the correct URL:
> It uses smart querying. Ex: Searching for "beam open pubsub" will search
> for open bugs in project BEAM with the keyword "pubsub".
> On Tue, Aug 28, 2018 at 4:49 PM Valentyn Tymofieiev <>
> wrote:
>> Thanks for sharing.
>> I have also found useful following custom search query for PRs:
>> Sample usage: type 'pr', space, type: 'author:tvalentyn'.
>> You could also incorporate 'author:' into the query:
>> On Tue, Aug 28, 2018 at 4:26 PM Daniel Oliveira <>
>> wrote:
>>> This seems pretty useful. Thanks Udi!
>>> On Mon, Aug 27, 2018 at 3:54 PM Udi Meiri <> wrote:
>>>> In case you want to quickly look up JIRA tickets, e.g., typing 'j',
>>>> space, 'BEAM-4696'.
>>>> Search URL:

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