On Tue, Mar 24, 2020 at 1:07 PM Sam Rohde <sro...@google.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
> Problem
> I would like to discuss BEAM-9322 and the correct way to set the output tags 
> of a transform with nested PCollections, e.g. a dict of PCollections, a tuple 
> of dicts of PCollections. Before the fixing of BEAM-1833, the Python SDK when 
> applying a PTransform would auto-generate the output tags for the output 
> PCollections even if they are manually set by the user:
> class MyComposite(beam.PTransform):
>   def expand(self, pcoll):
>     a = PCollection.from_(pcoll)
>     a.tag = 'a'
>     b = PCollection.from_(pcoll)
>     b.tag = 'b'
>     return (a, b)
> would yield a PTransform with two output PCollection and output tags with 
> 'None' and '0' instead of 'a' and 'b'. This was corrected for simple cases 
> like this.

I don't even know what that composite PTransform does.
PCollection.from_ should not be a user-facing method; it looks like
it's a helper used for defining primitives.

> However, this fails when the PCollections share the same output tag (of 
> course). This can happen like so:
> class MyComposite(beam.PTransform):
>   def expand(self, pcoll):
>     partition_1 = beam.Partition(pcoll, ...)
>     partition_2 = beam.Partition(pcoll, ...)
>     return (partition_1[0], partition_2[0])
> With the new code, this leads to an error because both output PCollections 
> have an output tag of '0'.

We should not be using pcollection tags to name the outputs of
composite PCollections. PCollection.tag is only relevant to the
primitive transform producing that PCollection. Here we have three

   Partition1.outputs = {0: partition_1, ...}
   Partition1.outputs = {0: partition_2, ...}
   MyComposite.outputs = {0: partition_1, 1: partition_2}

I'm not seeing what the issue is. (That being said, I think there *is*
a lot to clean up here.)

> Proposal
> When applying PTransforms to a pipeline (pipeline.py:550) we name the 
> PCollections according to their position in the tree concatenated with the 
> PCollection tag and a delimiter. From the first example, the output 
> PCollections of the applied transform will be: '0.a' and '1.b' because it is 
> a tuple of PCollections. In the second example, the outputs should be: '0.0' 
> and '1.0'. In the case of a dict of PCollections, it should simply be the 
> keys of the dict.
> What do you think? Am I missing edge cases? Will this be unexpected to users? 
> Will this break people who rely on the generated PCollection output tags?

The user currently has no control of the tags used for anything but
multi-output ParDo operations.

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