Hello everyone,

I'm pleased to announce that we've just moved dashboards gathering
performance test execution times from Perfkit Explorer to Grafana. Here's a
link to new dashboards: http://metrics.beam.apache.org

*Why Grafana?*
Grafana is an open source visualization tool. It offers better user
experience and more flexibility that the tool we've been using until now.
It also changes the way of developing new charts - all Grafana dashboards
are stored as json files in Beam's repository, and therefore require a full
code review process.

*What's next?*
There is still some work to be done. This includes moving even more charts
to Grafana and simplifying the process of updating and creating new charts.
We are also working on improving the docs [1].

As always, I'd be happy to hear any feedback from you.


[1] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/BEAM/Test+Results+Monitoring

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