
I have come across issue with multiple way of getting a meaningful flags for DoFns. We have

 a) DoFnSignature#{usesState,usesTimers,isStateful,...}, and

 b) DoFnSignatures#{usesState,usesTimers,isStateful,...}

These two might not (and actually are not) aligned with each other. That can be solved quite easily (removing any logic from DoFnSignatures and put it to DoFnSignature), but what I'm not sure is why DoFnSignature#isStateful is deprecated in favor of DoFnSignature#usesState. In my understanding, it should hold that `isStateful() iff usesState() || usesTimers()`, which means these two should not be used interchangeably. I'd suggest to undeprecate the `DoFnSignature#isStateful` and align the various (static and non-static) versions of these calls.



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