On Tue, Jul 14, 2020 at 5:28 PM Udi Meiri <> wrote:
> So it sounds like we should:
> - Make PBegin public
> - Deprecate PDone return type in favor of None
> - Update the programming guide's Composite Transforms section.
> On Tue, Jul 14, 2020 at 5:13 PM Robert Burke <> wrote:
>> For contrast, the Go SDK provides an Impulse transform directly (analogous 
>> to PBegin, part of the model) and has a ParDo0 (which like PDone has no 
>> output Pcollections).  The numeral suffixing the go ParDo functions indicate 
>> the number of Output Pcollections are expected from the passed in DoFm.
>> On Tue, Jul 14, 2020, 5:03 PM Robert Bradshaw <> wrote:
>>> Yes, PBegin and PDone are used in the SDKs, but are not part of the model.
>>> I would be supportive of making PBegin more public to denote that a
>>> transform is a "root" of the pipeline. PDone was required for Java,
>>> however I don't think there's any use for it in the Python SDK (a
>>> transform can simply not return any value (which is equivalent to
>>> returning None) if it has no outputs.
>>> On Mon, Jul 13, 2020 at 8:17 PM Udi Meiri <> wrote:
>>> >
>>> > Details:
>>> > One item of interest that came up during the implementation of BEAM-10258 
>>> > [1] is how to treat PTransforms that act like sources or sinks.
>>> > These transforms have either no input or output PCollections, 
>>> > respectively.
>>> >
>>> > Internally, we use PBegin and PDone to denote this. (ex: [2])
>>> > IIUC, PBegin and PDone aren't part of the Beam model, and in the pipeline 
>>> > description they manifest as empty input and output lists.
>>> >
>>> > To support type hinting, I propose making these types public.
>>> > They are not currently listed in [3] and the documentation implies 
>>> > they're internal.
>>> > Java SDK already supports these types and makes them public. [4]
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > [1]
>>> > [2] 
>>> >
>>> > [3] 
>>> >
>>> > [4] 
>>> >

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