Please add any additional information there.

If you hope to provide a fix that's welcome too. Also, if you need to get
the JIRA assigned to you, you can request JIRA access through the Beam dev
list (you don't need to be a committer for this).


On Wed, Aug 5, 2020 at 6:21 AM <> wrote:

> Hi Cham,
> I’m not registered as a BEAM committer so I don’t believe I have access
> rights to raise JIRAs.  Would you be kind enough to file a bug report on my
> behalf?
> I would suggest creating a simple end-to-end test that takes a
> protobuf-generated domain object and writes to BigQuery making use of
> useBeamSchema (I couldn’t find such an example in the test suite).
> Briefly the issues I have identified are:
> 1.     As reported below, schema conversion does not recognise the
> protobuf-derived special types (e.g. NanosInstant).  This results in an NPE
> 2.     The schema conversion code does not recognise fields in camel case
> (it works if fields are lower case)
> 3.     The schema presented to BigQueryIO presents all fields as required
> (despite the fact that under protobuf3 all fields are optional)
> Point 3 is more likely an issue with the protobuf to BEAM schema
> generation, however I present it here as it would be useful to capture as
> part of an end-to-end test suite.
> Kind regards,
> Rob
> *From:* Chamikara Jayalath []
> *Sent:* 15 July 2020 16:36
> *To:* dev
> *Subject:* Re: NanosInstant not being recognised by BigQueryIO.Write
> *********************************************
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> On Wed, Jul 8, 2020 at 3:30 AM <> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am posting this to the dev (as opposed to user channel) as I believe it
> will be of interest to the those working on either Schemas or BigQuery
> I have a pipeline based on BEAM 2.22 that is ingesting data into
> BigQuery.  Internally I am using protobuf for my domain model and the
> associated schema support.
> My intention is to make use of the useBeamSchema() method to both
> auto-generate the BigQuery table schema and to provide row conversion on
> write.  (The idea is to have true schema-first development very much in
> keeping with Alex’s original ProtoBEAM concept).
> The issue I’ve hit is around treatment of google.protobuf.Timestamp
> fields.  The schema conversion seems to map these to the correct logical
> type: org.apache.beam.sdk.schemas.logicaltypes.NanosInstant, however this
> isn’t recognised by BigQueryIO.Write.  Specifically the
> BigQueryUtils.toTableSchema() method throws a NullPointerException.  This
> seems to be due to the fact that there is no entry for NanosInstant in
> This does sound like a bug since Beam Schema to BigQuery type conversion
> [1] indeed does not consider
> org.apache.beam.sdk.schemas.logicaltypes.NanosInstant. Will you be able to
> file a JIRA with preferably a test to reproduce this ?
> Thanks,
> Cham
> Is this a known issue?  Is there a workaround?
> I appreciate that google.protobuf.Timestamp supports nanosecond-level
> precision so cannot be converted directly to the BEAM schema type of
> DATETIME without loss of precision.  However, I believe use cases for
> nanosecond precision are rare.  Would it not be better to convert directly
> to DATETIME according to the *principle of least confusion*?
> Are there any plans to extend the range of types both within protobuf and
> the BEAM schema to match the richer type set within BigQuery (DATE,
> DATETIME, TIMESTAMP)?  I would expect the combination of
> protobuf/BEAM/BigQuery to be a common one (especially within GCP) and it
> would be nice as a developer to have a greater range of options.
> Kind regards,
> Rob
> *Robert Butcher*
> *Technical Architect | Foundry/SRS | NatWest Markets*
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