I'm trying to update elasticsearch dependencies and I'm blocked on 
hadoop-format HadoopFormatIOElasticTest.

The tests use elasticsearch emulator that is no longer supported as is said 

There is a test framework with ESSingleNodeTestCase but it has a jar hell check 
which crashes on compiling on both compile and testCompile sdks:java:core and I 
don't see an easy solution here. I tried to write my own JarHell class in 
org.elasticsearch.bootstrap package, but without success - the test gets into 
an infinite loop.

The easiest solution would be to use testcontainers but then the test becomes 
an integration test - would it be acceptable to run such a test in Java 

I also encountered a problem fixing HadoopFormatIOElasticIT test - the test 
assumes that there is an Elasticsearch instance already running with some data. 
But there is nowhere written what that data should look like. I suppose it's 
something like Txn_ID0, Txn_ID1 but I didn't manage to get testHifIOWithElastic 
test pass.

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