Realized the output in the previous mail might not be easy to see on all setups, so here is a condenced verison, the last column being the ratio between the events per second of the faster-copy and normal:

Conf  normal   faster-copy  ff / normal
0     49900.2  122100.1     2.447
1     50916.5  181488.2     3.564
2     80840.7  363636.4     4.498
3     67521.9  235849.1     3.493
4     12135.9  13459        1.109
5     39093    54083.3      1.383
6     11248.6  12594.5      1.120
7     1510.9   1540.7       1.020
8     68352.7  195312.5     2.857
9 10 11 36603.2 41981.5 1.147
12    60096.2  94250.7      1.568
13    579.5    577.2        0.996
14    13945.1  15405.9      1.105

It is worth noting here that even though the non aggregation ones show the most improvement, the rest of the queries are not to shabby either :D

- Teodor Spæren

On Tue, Nov 03, 2020 at 07:31:47AM +0100, Teodor Spæren wrote:
Hey Jan!

I have since created a PR and Jira issue for this and I've now run the Nexmark suite with the change applied and not applied. This is just a quick result, but it is very promising!

Here is without "fasterCopy":

Run started 2020-11-03T05:55:32.161Z and ran for PT492.410S

Default configuration:

 Conf  Description
 0000  query:PASSTHROUGH; streamTimeout:60
 0001  query:CURRENCY_CONVERSION; streamTimeout:60
 0002  query:SELECTION; streamTimeout:60
 0003  query:LOCAL_ITEM_SUGGESTION; streamTimeout:60
 0004  query:AVERAGE_PRICE_FOR_CATEGORY; numEvents:10000; streamTimeout:60
 0005  query:HOT_ITEMS; streamTimeout:60
 0006  query:AVERAGE_SELLING_PRICE_BY_SELLER; numEvents:10000; streamTimeout:60
 0007  query:HIGHEST_BID; streamTimeout:60
 0008  query:MONITOR_NEW_USERS; streamTimeout:60
 0009  query:WINNING_BIDS; numEvents:10000; streamTimeout:60
 0010  query:LOG_TO_SHARDED_FILES; streamTimeout:60
 0011  query:USER_SESSIONS; streamTimeout:60
 0012  query:PROCESSING_TIME_WINDOWS; streamTimeout:60
 0013  query:BOUNDED_SIDE_INPUT_JOIN; streamTimeout:60
 0014  query:SESSION_SIDE_INPUT_JOIN; streamTimeout:60

 Conf  Runtime(sec)    (Baseline)  Events(/sec)    (Baseline)       Results    
0000 2.0 49900.2 100000 0001 2.0 50916.5 92000 0002 1.2 80840.7 351 0003 1.5 67521.9 580 0004 0.8 12135.9 40 0005 2.6 39093.0 12 0006 0.9 11248.6 401 0007 66.2 1510.9 1 0008 1.5 68352.7 6000 0009 *** not run ***
 0010  *** not run ***
0011 2.7 36603.2 1919 0012 1.7 60096.2 1919 0013 172.6 579.5 92000 0014 7.2 13945.1 92000 ==========================================================================================

And here we are with "fasterCopy":

Run started 2020-11-03T06:13:40.224Z and ran for PT483.138S

Default configuration:

 Conf  Description
 0000  query:PASSTHROUGH; streamTimeout:60
 0001  query:CURRENCY_CONVERSION; streamTimeout:60
 0002  query:SELECTION; streamTimeout:60
 0003  query:LOCAL_ITEM_SUGGESTION; streamTimeout:60
 0004  query:AVERAGE_PRICE_FOR_CATEGORY; numEvents:10000; streamTimeout:60
 0005  query:HOT_ITEMS; streamTimeout:60
 0006  query:AVERAGE_SELLING_PRICE_BY_SELLER; numEvents:10000; streamTimeout:60
 0007  query:HIGHEST_BID; streamTimeout:60
 0008  query:MONITOR_NEW_USERS; streamTimeout:60
 0009  query:WINNING_BIDS; numEvents:10000; streamTimeout:60
 0010  query:LOG_TO_SHARDED_FILES; streamTimeout:60
 0011  query:USER_SESSIONS; streamTimeout:60
 0012  query:PROCESSING_TIME_WINDOWS; streamTimeout:60
 0013  query:BOUNDED_SIDE_INPUT_JOIN; streamTimeout:60
 0014  query:SESSION_SIDE_INPUT_JOIN; streamTimeout:60

 Conf  Runtime(sec)    (Baseline)  Events(/sec)    (Baseline)       Results    
0000 0.8 122100.1 100000 0001 0.6 181488.2 92000 0002 0.3 363636.4 351 0003 0.4 235849.1 580 0004 0.7 13459.0 40 0005 1.8 54083.3 12 0006 0.8 12594.5 401 0007 64.9 1540.7 1 0008 0.5 195312.5 6000 0009 *** not run ***
 0010  *** not run ***
0011 2.4 41981.5 1919 0012 1.1 94250.7 1919 0013 173.3 577.2 92000 0014 6.5 15405.9 92000 ==========================================================================================

For most of these there are marked improvements! I will continue to look at this, but these are some strong results I think!

- Teodor

On Tue, Oct 27, 2020 at 01:53:11PM +0100, Jan Lukavský wrote:

I tend to be +1 for the flag, but before that, we might want to have a deeper analysis of the performance impact. I believe the penalty will be (in percentage) much lower in cases of more practical jobs (e.g. having at least one shuffle).

@Teodor, would you be willing to provide us with some measurements of jobs doing something more practical, than simple stateless mappings? E.g. a few jobs doing 1, 2 and 3 shuffle phases to see what is the impact of these more complex scenarios on the performance penalty?



On 10/27/20 1:24 PM, David Morávek wrote:
you made a really good argument ;) I'm inclined to an experimental opt-in flag that would enable this. It would be great if we could automatically check for violations - kind of a safety net, for mistakes in user code.

Just to note, direct runner enforcement may not cover all cases, as it only checks binary representation after serialization. Also there are programmers that don't write tests, especially during prototyping (not an argument for perf. penalty, but something to keep in mind).

Max, WDYT?

On Tue, Oct 27, 2020 at 12:44 PM Teodor Spæren < <>> wrote:

  Some more thoughts:

  As it says on the DirectRunner [1] page, the DirectRunner is meant to
  check that users don't rely on semantics that are not guaranteed
  by the
  Beam model.

  Programs that rely on the Flink runner deep cloning the inputs
  each operator in the pipeline is relying on a semantic that is not
  guaranteed by the Beam model, and those pipelines would fail if
  ran on
  the DirectRunner.

  As I stated in the previous email, I have some example programs that
  return different outputs on the Flink runner and on the
  DirectRunner. I
  have not tested these programs on other runners, so I don't know what
  they would return. If they return different answers than the
  DirectRunner, I'm inclined to say that the DirectRunner should
  either be
  changed, or the runners be changed.

   From my very limited point of view, the Flink runner seems to be
  spending a lot of extra time implementing a semantic guarantee
  that the
  Beam model explicitly doesn't support.

  Best regards,
  Teodor Spæren


  On Tue, Oct 27, 2020 at 12:08:51PM +0100, Teodor Spæren wrote:
  >Hey David,
  >I think I might have worded this poorly, because what I meant is
  >from what I can see in [1], the BEAM model explicitly states that
  >PCollections should be treated as immutable. The direct runner also
  >tests for this. Do the other runners also protect the user from
  >misusing the system so? If not we have a situation where running the
  >same pipeline on two different runners will yield different
  answers. I
  >can show some examples that return different examples for the Flink
  >and the Direct Runner.
  >I agree that a breaking existing pipelines is a no-no, but I do
  >that we could simply gate this behind an option on the Flink runner.
  >I also tried to search for this before, but did not find any mention
  >of it, can you link me to some discussions about this in the past?
  >Thanks for reply :D
  >Best regards,
  >Teodor Spæren
  >On Tue, Oct 27, 2020 at 11:49:45AM +0100, David Morávek wrote:
  >>Hi Teodor,
  >>Thanks for bringing this up. This is a known, long standing "issue".
  >>Unfortunately there are few things we need to consider:
  >>- As you correctly noted, the *Beam model doesn't enforce
  immutability* of
  >>input / output elements, so this is the price.
  >>- We* can not break *existing pipelines.
  >>- Flink Runner needs to provide the *same guarantees as the Beam
  >>There are definitely some things we can do here, to make things
  >>- We can try the similar approach as HadoopIO
  >>(HadoopInputFormatReader#isKnownImmutable), to check for known
  >>types (KV, primitives, protobuf, other known internal immutable
  >>-* If the type is immutable, we can safely reuse it.* This
  should cover
  >>most of the performance costs without breaking the guarantees
  Beam model
  >>- We can enable registration of custom "immutable" types via
  >>options? (this may be an unnecessary knob, so this needs a further
  >>On Mon, Oct 26, 2020 at 6:37 PM Teodor Spæren
  < <>>
  >>>I'm a student at the University of Oslo, and I'm writing a
  master thesis
  >>>about the possibility of using Beam to benchmark stream processing
  >>>systems. An important factor in this is the overhead associated
  >>>using Beam over writing code for the runner directly. [1] found
  >>>there was a large overhead associated with using Beam, but did not
  >>>investigate where this overhead came from. I've done benchmarks and
  >>>confirmed the findings there, where for simple chains of identity
  >>>operators, Beam is 43x times slower than the Flink equivalent.
  >>>These are very simple pipelines, with custom sources that just
  output a
  >>>series of integers. By profiling I've found that most of the
  >>>comes from serializing and deserializing. Specifically the way
  >>>TypeSerializer's, [2], is implemented in [3], where each object is
  >>>serialized and then deserialized between every operator.
  Looking into
  >>>the semantics of Beam, no operator should change the input, so
  we don't
  >>>need to do a copy here. The function in [3] could potentially
  be changed
  >>>to a single `return` statement.
  >>>Doing this removes 80% of the overhead in my tests. This is a very
  >>>synthetic example, but it's a low hanging fruit and might give
  a speed
  >>>boost to many pipelines when run on the Flink runnner. I would
  like to
  >>>make this my first contribution to Beam, but as the guide [4]
  says, I
  >>>thought I'd ask here first to see if there a is a reason not to
  do this.
  >>>Only objection I can see, is that it might break existing pipelines
  >>>which rely on the Flink runner saving them from not following the
  >>>immutability guarantee. I see this as a small loss as they are
  >>>on an implementation detail of the Flink runner.
  >>>I hope I have explained this adequately and eagerly away any
  feedback :)
  >>>Best regards,
  >>>Teodor Spæren

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