Hi everyone,

Please join me and the rest of the Beam PMC in welcoming a new committer: Piotr 
Szuberski <pszuber...@apache.org>.

Piotr started to contribute to Beam about one year ago and he did it very 
actively since then. He contributed to the different areas, like adding a 
cross-language functionality to existing IOs, improving ITs and performance 
tests environment/runtime, he actively worked on dependency updates [1]. 

In consideration of his contributions, the Beam PMC trusts him with the 
responsibilities of a Beam committer [2].

Thank you for your contributions, Piotr!

-Alexey, on behalf of the Apache Beam PMC

[1] https://github.com/apache/beam/pulls?q=is%3Apr+author%3Apiotr-szuberski 

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