Yes, annotations that we add to the code base on purpose (like @Nullable or @SuppressWarnings) are aboslutely fine. What is worse is that the checked is not only checked, but a code generator. :)

For example when one wants to implement Coder by extending CustomCoder and use auto-generating the overridden methods, they look like

@Override public void encode(Long value, @UnknownKeyFor @NonNull @Initialized 
OutputStream outStream)throws @UnknownKeyFor@NonNull@Initialized 
CoderException, @UnknownKeyFor@NonNull@Initialized IOException {


Which is really ugly. :-(


On 3/15/21 6:37 PM, Ismaël Mejía wrote:

Even if I like the strictness for Null checking, I also think that
this is adding too much extra time for builds (that I noticed locally
when enabled) and also I agree with Jan that the annotations are
really an undesired side effect. For reference when you try to auto
complete some method signatures on IntelliJ on downstream projects
with C-A-v it generates some extra Checkers annotations like @NonNull
and others even if the user isn't using them which is not desirable.

On Mon, Mar 15, 2021 at 6:04 PM Kyle Weaver <> wrote:
Big +1 for moving this to separate CI job. I really don't like what annotations 
are currently added to the code we ship. Tools like Idea add these annotations 
to code they generate when overriding classes and that's very annoying. Users 
should not be exposed to internal tools like nullability checking.

I was only planning on moving this to a separate CI job. The job would still be 
release blocking, so the same annotations would still be required.

I'm not sure which annotations you are concerned about. There are two 
annotations involved with nullness checking, @SuppressWarnings and @Nullable. 
@SuppressWarnings has retention policy SOURCE, so it shouldn't be exposed to 
users at all. @Nullable is not just for internal tooling, it also provides 
useful information about our APIs to users. The user should not have to guess 
whether a method argument etc. can be null or not, and for better or worse, 
these annotations are the standard way of expressing that in Java.

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