This is your daily summary of Beam's current P1 issues, not including flaky 

See for the 
meaning and expectations around P1 issues.

    BEAM-12041: Project beam_PostCommit_Java_ValidatesRunner_ULR is failing 
    BEAM-12021: PubsubReadIT failures: "Cannot nackAll on persisting 
checkpoint" (
    BEAM-12000: Support Python 3.9 in Apache Beam 
    BEAM-11961: InfluxDBIOIT failing with unauthorized error 
    BEAM-11959: Python Beam SDK Harness hangs when install pip packages 
has been failing in master (
    BEAM-11886: MapState and SetState failing tests on Dataflow streaming 
    BEAM-11862: Write To Kafka does not work 
    BEAM-11828: JmsIO is not acknowledging messages correctly 
    BEAM-11815: Fail to read more than 1M of items 
    BEAM-11772: GCP BigQuery sink (file loads) uses runner determined sharding 
for unbounded data (
    BEAM-11755: Cross-language consistency (RequiresStableInputs) is quietly 
broken (at least on portable flink runner) 
    BEAM-11578: `dataflow_metrics` (python) fails with TypeError (when int 
overflowing?) (
    BEAM-11434: Expose Spanner admin/batch clients in Spanner Accessor 
    BEAM-11227: Upgrade beam-vendor-grpc-1_26_0-0.3 to fix CVE-2020-27216 
    BEAM-11148: Kafka commitOffsetsInFinalize OOM on Flink 
    BEAM-11017: Timer with dataflow runner can be set multiple times (dataflow 
runner) (
    BEAM-10883: XmlIO parsing of multibyte characters 
    BEAM-10866: PortableRunnerTestWithSubprocesses.test_register_finalizations 
flaky on macOS (
    BEAM-10861: Adds URNs and payloads to PubSub transforms 
    BEAM-10663: CrossLanguageKafkaIOTest broken on Flink Runner 
    BEAM-10573: CSV files are loaded several times if they are too large 
    BEAM-10569: SpannerIO tests don't actually assert anything. 
    BEAM-10288: Quickstart documents are out of date 
    BEAM-10244: Populate requirements cache fails on poetry-based packages 
    BEAM-10100: FileIO writeDynamic with AvroIO.sink not writing all data 
    BEAM-9917: BigQueryBatchFileLoads dynamic destination 
    BEAM-9564: Remove insecure ssl options from MongoDBIO 
    BEAM-9154: Move Chicago Taxi Example to Python 3 
    BEAM-8407: [SQL] Some Hive tests throw NullPointerException, but get marked 
as passing (Direct Runner) (
    BEAM-7717: PubsubIO watermark tracking hovers near start of epoch 
    BEAM-7716: PubsubIO returns empty message bodies for all messages read 
    BEAM-7195: BigQuery - 404 errors for 'table not found' when using dynamic 
destinations - sometimes, new table fails to get created 
    BEAM-7064: Conversion of timestamp from BigQuery row to Beam row loses 
precision (
    BEAM-6840: PostRelease failing on Dataflow due to 
    BEAM-6839: User reports protobuf ClassChangeError running against 2.6.0 or 
above (
    BEAM-6466: KafkaIO doesn't commit offsets while being used as bounded 
source (
    BEAM-5997: EVENT_TIME timer throws exception when side input used 
    BEAM-5305: Timeout handling in JdbcIO with Oracle java driver 
    BEAM-4750: Beam performance degraded significantly since 2.4 
    BEAM-3636: DirectRunner proto roundtrip masks stable name errors 

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