Mean to also add +Reuven Lax <>

On Tue, May 4, 2021 at 9:41 AM Kenneth Knowles <> wrote:

> Explicitly pinging a couple folks who were involved in the original change
> which yours essentially reverts. There's a model question here that I want
> to clarify on-list:
> When you have a ParDo setting timers, you have an additional watermark
> that must be considered:
>  - input element watermark
>  - output watermark
>  - *(user) timer watermark*
> The timer watermark is an input to the ParDo. Sometimes you might think of
> the "timer channel" as a self loop, where each timer is an element. Each
> timer has a timestamp (the output timestamp) and separately some
> instructions on when to deliver that timer. This is the same as the usual
> difference between event time and processing time.
> The instruction on when to deliver a timer can have two forms:
>  - wait a certain amount of processing time
>  - deliver the timer when the *input element watermark* reaches a time X
> Here is an important point: "cleanup timers" are *not* user timers. They
> are an implementation detail. They are not part of the model. The runner's
> job is to reclaim resources as windows expire. A user should never be
> reasoning about how their timers relate to cleanup timers (except for
> resource consumption). Because there is no relationship except that the
> cleanup should happen "eventually" and invisibly.
> For a runner author to implement a "cleanup timer" requires a different
> mechanism. A window expires when *both* the input element watermark *and*
> the timer watermark are past the expiry time. In other words, the cleanup
> timer fires according to the minimum of these watermarks, combined. It
> *cannot* fire according to the input element watermark. If you naively try
> to implement it as a user timer, it will be incorrect. Incidentally this is
> why @OnWindowExpiration is a meaningful feature.
> Kenn
> On Tue, May 4, 2021 at 4:29 AM Jan Lukavský <> wrote:
>> Hi Kenn,
>> I created BEAM-12276 [1] with PR [2].
>>  Jan
>> [1]
>> [2]
>> On 5/3/21 7:46 PM, Kenneth Knowles wrote:
>> This seems like just a bug. If you set a timer for X and have output
>> timestamp Y where X < Y this should be fine. Is the problem the current
>> input watermark? Are you trying to set a timer with output timestamp that
>> is already past? I think that should be allowed, too, as long as the window
>> is not expired, but I may be missing something.
>> Some greater detail would be useful - maybe the full stack trace and/or a
>> failing unit test in a PR?
>> Kenn
>> On Thu, Apr 29, 2021 at 12:51 AM Jan Lukavský <> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I have come across a bug with timer output timestamp - when using event
>>> time and relative timers, setting the timer can arbitrarily throw
>>> IllegalArgumentException if the firing timestamp (input watermark) is
>>> ahead of the output timestamp (like .java.lang.IllegalArgumentException:
>>> Attempted to set an event-time timer with an output timestamp of
>>> 2021-04-29T07:16:19.369Z that is after the timer firing timestamp
>>> -290308-12-21T19:59:05.225Z). But there is no way to access the firing
>>> timestamp from user code. This means that the use has to either catch
>>> the IllegalArgumentException, or not use this construct at all.
>>> Catching the exception should probably not be part of a contract, so we
>>> should do one of the following:
>>>   a) either throw the exception right away and disable using relative
>>> timers with output timestamp completely, or
>>>   b) support it correctly
>>> What is the actual reason not to support output timestamps, that are
>>> ahead of firing timestamp? From my understanding, that should not be an
>>> issue, because there is TimestampCombiner.EARLIEST on the
>>> watermarkholdstate that corresponds to the output timestamp. If that is
>>> correct can we simply remove the check?
>>>   Jan

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