Hi Beamers,

Would this community be interested in taking the Allyship Training? It
requires a 90min commitment for remote session learning. If we have a good
number of people who express interest in this thread, I will set up
training for the Airflow community. If we don't have the critical mass, I
might invite people from other open source projects, but the format and
learning will be the same!

Here are more details:

The training is led by Dr. Kim Tran (https://www.kimtranphd.com/), it aims
to position people of color and those in solidarity with us to develop the
necessary skills to build bridges across race, ability, gender, sexuality
and class.

Participants will leave:
- With the capacity to identify marginalization in real time in the open
source community
- Knowing how to address and respond to marginalization at individual and
systemic levels
- With a strong, critical understanding of the allyship framework
- Intersectional lenses, examining dynamics around gender, class, ability
and race
- A toolkit for recognizing and combating marginalization in real time

- Large groups will engage in a *90 minute*, remote learning session.
- Participants will be capped at 45 to enable engaging interactive
participation and responsiveness to participant questions and concerns.
- Session will include webinar style portion as well as breakouts for
hypothetical scenarios.

If you'd like to participate, please leave +1 under this thread. The thread
will stay open for 1 week.


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