Dear Beam devs,

I took it upon myself to write a Neo4jIO connector to allow us to read from
and write to Neo4j graphs.
All in all it should be a fairly easy task but I'm actually struggling
despite my extensive experience with both Beam and Neo4j.
The blocking issues vary a bit but seem to revolve around my inability to
get my Beam development environment in working order.

1) Setting up my Beam development
for IDEA 2021.2 is something that's going wrong, probably around Gradle
2) I can't get Google Auto to work in my IDE (IDEA) because of what seems
outdated documentation
3) Since I'm obviously planning to generate a PR at the end of this
exercise: what is the suggested code format for Java in the Beam project?

Thanks for any answers or suggestions.  I'd be happy to help update the
docs once I figured out where things possibly go wrong.
I'm thinking of a in sdks/java/io to point folks in the right


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