Dear all,

I’d like to bring up an old discussion again [1].
Currently we have two different versions of AWS IO connectors in Beam for the 
Java SDK:

  *   amazon-web-services  [2] and kinesis [3] for the AWS Java SDK v1
  *   amazon-web-services2 (including kinesis) [4] for the AWS Java SDK v2

Maintaining two different versions is obviously painful, so working towards 
sunsetting the earlier v1 is important.
Though, historically v1 had (and likely still has) the broader adoption due to 
a lack of awareness, but also certainly a lack of features in v2.

I’ve recently focused a lot on preparing the deprecation of v1, specifically:

  *   implementing all outstanding features in v2 (above all write support for 
KinesisIO) [5]
  *   full integration test coverage for all IOs in v2 (using localstack), but 
also improved general test coverage & quality
  *   more consistent configuration and tons of bug fixes

Where I’m looking for general feedback is how to proceed next:

  *   Deprecate (IO classes of) v1 immediately to force awareness of v2 with 
the next release?
  *   Just recommend v2 IOs over v1 IOs on the website [6] to hopefully push 
adoption and gather more feedback before deprecating v1?

Any thoughts or recommendations?

Also, looking further ahead … is there a major release planned for Beam that 
would allow to remove such deprecations?

Thanks so much,


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