Hi Beam devs,

We recently encountered an issue with evolving the Avro schemas used in a
Pub/Sub message queue. We added a new, nullable-with-default field to the
end of the producer schema. We tested out the compatibility change by using
encode method on the evolved schema and testing that it could still be
decoded with the old schema. However, our consumer Beam pipelines
threw errors at read time: unexpected extra bytes after decoding, coming
from CoderUtil's decodeFromByteArray
method, where it checks for the presence of extra bytes after reading all

I created a quick Gist
summarizes the issue.

I'm wondering if there's any workaround to this: either adding a
special-case to CoderUtils to check if the coder is an AvroCoder type, or
adding an overridable method to the Coder abstract class called
allowExtraBytesAfterDecoding? I understand that both of those ideas have
some fairly scary implications, though :) I realize that the most "correct"
way to handle this is to have all consumers migrate to a new schema before
the producer does, but this can be a quite difficult task with a large
fleet of consumers, especially for streaming jobs where the Coder change
could result in a compatibility check failure.

Looking forward to your input,

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