Hi everyone,

In a recent code review we noticed that we are not consistent when
describing python type hints in documentation. Depending on who wrote the
patch, we switch between typehint, type-hint, and "type hint" [1].

I think we should standardize on "type hint" as this is what Guido used in
PEP 484 [2]. Please comment on the issue in the next few days if you
disagree with this approach.

Note this is orthogonal to how we refer to type hints in _code_, in our
public APIs. In general we use "type" in that context (e.g.
`with_input_types`), and there doesn't seem to be a consistency issue.

[1] https://github.com/apache/beam/issues/23950
[2] https://peps.python.org/pep-0484/

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